“We don’t have lackeys at the Academy,prince,” I mutter, turning to look. “We have sycophants and underlings at best.”

“Speak for yourself,” he mutters back but I’m hardly paying him any attention.

There she is. Mia. Yeah, there’s another girl with her, but Mia is all I can see. She’s wearing jeans and a loose white blouse, cinched at the waist, and looks… edible. Her ass, her hips, the fall of her dark hair down her back, the way those hips swing just a little as she walks…

Damn if I’m not hard at the sight of her. That’s all it takes, just one look at her, and I’m aching.

“Wait until she puts on the clothes I bought her,” I breathe. “She’ll be sexy as fuck.”

“Right, you bought her clothes.” Sindri casts me a funny look. “Thinking to buy her love or something?”

“Love.” I scoff. “You believe in that shit? I lust after her. I want her body.”

“It may not be enough for her, have you thought of that?” He sighs. “Come on, let’s go talk to her.”

Walking with a hard-on is a drag, let me tell you, but no way am I lagging behind, letting Sindri go talk to her alone, so I follow, cursing under my breath.

I don’t know what possessed me to buy her clothes. I think it was after seeing her leaning over me where I lay among the trees with an arrow in my chest.

An arrow through the fucking heart, that was how it had felt, howseeingher had felt, not the actual projectile that had almost killed me. All I had been able to see was the worry in her dark eyes, her mouth forming my name, the fall of her shiny hair, the curves of her body.

All I had been able to think of was that she was mine.

But she isn’t.

Well, not yet. I’m a persistent demon, and fuck the guys for thinking they got her. Just because they kissed her? Hell, I’ve done a lot more than that, plus she saved me. She’s the one who found me and took me to the infirmary, so there you have it. She’s into me way more than she’s into them.

I mean, I have that effect on girls. What can I say? They fancy me. Jason’s a sexy beast, and Ashton’s a hot nerd, and Sindri is otherworldly, but I’m just bad.

Girls dig bad boys.

And I don’t fucking know why I want to put that particular notch in my bedpost, why I give a shit. Fuck knows how many chicks practically throw themselves at me every day, but she doesn’t. If anything, I have to draw her out, sneak up on her, ambush her.

Maybe that’s why. This thrill of the chase.

Has to be why.



“So you need me to dampen down your elemental magic?” I stare at the two asshole hunks standing inside my room and try to quell the fear in my belly.

Because I can’t do magic, remember? I’m only faking it. I need to buy time. Besides which, I’m so mad at them I can scarcely breathe.

“Yes, exactly.” Sindri is standing by the window. He likes doing that—gazing out, at the trees and sky, I guess. Unless he’s simply interested in seeing his own reflection, which wouldn’t shock me. I stare at it, too, in the glass, at his black and blue hair falling on his brow, the dark sweep of his lashes against those broad, pale cheekbones, the perfect line of his jaw and neck. “Dampen it down to let demonblood magic resurface. That should balance things out until we know who the shooter is. Hopefully.”

“Will you help us?” Emrys asks.

“I was going to help you,” I whisper. “When Jason came here, I said I would. But you two… You went out of your way to hurt me and now I’m supposed to help you? I don’t owe you anymore. I’ve paid back your favors.”

“But—” Emrys starts.

“We’d owe you,” Sindri says, turning back around, his face unreadable, though his shoulders look tense. “I vow that I will owe you. Big time.”

“What about you?” I lift my chin and glower at Emrys who is standing in the middle of my room all spiky and inked and gorgeous andGod, it’s a struggle to remember why I’m so angry with him when he looks like that.

“I… I’d owe you, too,” he mutters, as if the words are dragged out of him, causing him pain. “Actually—”