I lie on my side on the shore and pull the bag to me. It smells of her. I bury my face in it and shut my eyes tightly. It doesn’t befit a King of Faerie to break down over the scent of a woman. Over the scent of this particular woman who doesn’t seem to feel a thing about me.

But despair equals fury. Fury equals pain. Pain equals sorrow. And sorrow is dragging me down.

I undo the knot. The bag is made of rough hemp cloth and inside are various items, carefully wrapped up in cotton towels. A fine black woolen shirt. A loaf of bread. A wheel of cheese. A bottle of liquor.

My breath catches.

Her kindness means nothing, I remind myself.She doesn’t really care. It was only pity that brought her back. A misplaced sense of guilt. She felt guilty because you’re wounded.

But this package says otherwise. The way she wrapped everything so carefully…

Maybe a servant did the wrapping. She’s a princess. Stop imagining things, Adar.


I pass my forearm over my eyes.Damn. What’s happening to me? I’m stronger than this. I spent so long without hope that a glimmer of it was enough to break me.

It was that soft look in her eyes when she gazed at me, that soft smile. The way she called my name, the way she asked if I was okay. As if it mattered to her.

As if I fucking mattered.

And of all the Fae and humans I’ve met in my life, she is someone I thought I would have liked to belong to, as well. I thought she might put her hand on my cheek like she did and smile and give me that feeling again.

That everything would be all right.

But her kisses haven’t lifted the curse. I don’t know what can. I thought the wound was a sign I was going to shift, but maybe it’s just a sign that my end is near.

At the bottom of the bag is a ribbon. It’s red and it matches the ribbons she had woven in her hair. I wrap it around my wrist and tie it off.

The birds have flown off. The fish keep away from me. Even the Lesser Faeries of the woods are keeping their distance.

I sit on the shore, my head bowed, struggling with myself. If I had legs to walk to her… if I had a means to break this curse… I’d fight this prince for her. I’d fight for her heart. I’d show her that I can change. That I can be good.

That I can be hers.

But nothing has changed. I’m cursed, and cursed I shall remain.

And she’s still gone.



“Icare about you. I’ve never felt this way before. I told you, I wasn’t playing.”

“Selina? Hello? Have you gone deaf?”

“Hm?” I blink at my reflection in the mirror, and the reflection of my cousin Lily right behind me. I’m seated at my vanity as she brushes my dark hair. “I can hear you.”

“You were miles away. Oh, I know. You were thinking of prince Iason, weren’t you?”

“Right. Of course.”

“He’s dreamy.” Lily sighs. “I have a thing for blond men.”

“Do you, now. Do you want him?”

Lily laughs. “You’d give him to me?”