But this isn’t the time to think and hesitate.

It’s the time to act.

“I’m coming to the dungeons with you,” Lily says. “I need to see this Fae who stole your heart and turned you into an idiot about to throw your life away.”

“Nice. Thank you,” I mutter. “But you’ll be taking a risk. I wanted to keep you out of this.”

“After being seen with you out of the palace? After finding the healer for you? After you told Willam that I’m going to the dungeons with you?Nowyou want to keep me out?”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” I sigh. “If I had any other choice…”

Her voice gentles. “I know. So I’m coming. End of discussion.”

I wipe my hands on my gown. My heart has been pounding all day. I feel sick. I’ve seen my mother, my other cousins, even caught a glimpse of the King and the Queen. In my mind, I’ve said my goodbyes.

But night is about to fall and my entire plan feels like a house of cards, fragile and imperfect, hastily put up. A random word, touch, breath of wind can send it tumbling down.

“We should get going,” I mutter, pacing my room. “Where is the healer?”

“She’ll be here any moment. Stop pacing, you’re giving me a headache.”

I stop long enough to glare at her. “Sorry to annoy you, but I’m worried. He looked so bad this morning. And I have no idea how badly Iason and his men have beaten him.”

“He’d better be worth it, this Fae. If you go through with this,” Lily hisses, “you might as well kiss your freedom goodbye. Last chance, girl. This isn’t just helping a Fae, it’s smuggling him out of the palace.”

“I bet you a golden coin that Iason didn’t inform anyone of his catch, not the King and Queen, nor anyone.”


“So he can do whatever he wants with him before anyone else has a say.”

“And you think the King would stop him from doing whatever he wanted to a Fae? He’ll be hailed a hero for ridding the world and the kingdom from the menace.”

“Fair enough, but my point is, once Adar is gone, Iason can’t claim Adar has escaped since he never told anyone in the first place.”

“The guards in the dungeons will know,” Lily says, sounding doubtful. “And his own men.”

“Will the King trust Iason and his men?”

“Selina… the King will send men after you. Even just for you, to bring you back. You know that.”

“And that’s why you must tell the King, then, that I left my crown behind and I’m not planning on coming back.”


“I’ll do my best to send back a message one day soon, after we’ve settled somewhere, if all goes well. To let you know I’m okay.”

“What message?”

“I’ll send you this.” I take out the crushed bracelet with the merman charm. “Okay?”

A knock comes on my door before she can reply. A maid enters and curtsies. “A visitor for you, Your Royal Highness.”

Behind her follows the old woman, her hood pulled low over her face. “Your Royal Highnesses.”

I wave the maid away. “We’re ready. Let’s get the trunk.”

“You sure you emptied it?” Lily grabs one of the handles. “It’s damn heavy.”