He seems distracted, brows heavy over his eyes. His reaction is too slow when he makes a grab for me. “Selina…”

No, no!Twisting around, I get on my feet and run.

I run through the woods, not even looking back in case a Faerie is following me, not even caring that my hair is flying behind me, my clothes soaked in mud and water, my only goal the palace and its safety.

Not sure, though, that within its walls I’ll be safe from my own mind…



“Have you decided on the gown you’re going to wear?” Lily is in my room again, rummaging through my closet, chattering away like a crazed parrot. “Prince Iason is arriving tomorrow. This is insane. How about the pink one with the roses? It suits your colors so well. You’ll look like a rose. Tell me that you thought about what to wear tomorrow?”


“How about the golden one? It’s more formal but you’ve only worn it once a year ago at Saimon’s birthday ball. You have the matching slippers and the hairnet. It makes you look older, which is good. Makes you look like a woman.”

“Iama woman.”

“As opposed to a girl. You know what I mean. You look younger than your age, and he’s looking for a wife who will run his household and bear his children. Therefore, looking a little older would be a good thing. Yes, I think the golden gown is the way to go…”

“Who says I want his children?” I blurt out, walking over to the window to check on my flowers in their pots. I touch their petals and try to let go of this irrational anger.

“If you cared for him, you would have noticed the pendant missing from the start.”

Lily laughs. “Of course you want his children. What’s gotten into you? You’ve been talking about nothing but prince Iason for months now.”

“Maybe it was a way to pass the time,” I whisper.

“You’re so lucky to have his attention. Such a good family, such a steady kingdom, stable financially and without enemies at its borders. Not even that many Fae there, I’m told.”

“What’s wrong with Fae?”

“Very funny,” Lily mutters.

I’ve always loved having her in my room but right now my head aches and there’s another strange ache in my chest… which seems to spread into my belly and lower when I think of the merman.

The memory of Adar’s kisses makes me long for something I can’t name. His touch, I think, that’s what I crave. I need him to touch me, to kiss me again. Press down on me, as he’d done this morning, groan like he had. Look at me with that hot darkness in his eyes.

Lily turns around and puts her hands on her hips. “Selina Elizabeth Thornton. What’s the matter with you today? It’s been getting worse and I don’t know how to help you. Don’t tell me you have changed your mind about Iason?”

“What if I have?”

“He’ll be here tomorrow! It’s too late to backtrack now.”

“Why? I haven’t received any marriage proposal from him yet. Haven’t accepted one, either.”

“But you took his token.”

“I’ll give it back!”

“Oh Gods, you’ve lost your mind. All the rest of us are jealous of your good fortune and you want to throw it all away. What for? Wait…” Her eyes narrow. “Is there another man?”

“No. It’s not that.” I fidget with the cuffs of my sleeves. “Look, I’m tired. I would like to lie down for a while. Please, go.”

“Not before I understand this. It’s about your happiness, don’t you see? Whatever temporary madness has gripped you will release its hold if we get to the bottom of this.”

“There is nothing to understand.”