Page 57 of Lady and the Scamp

He crossed to her in two steps and pulled her into his arms. “There’s nothing to forgive, Emily. I’m only sorry I caused you more pain.” She heard what he hadn’t said. That she’d had so much pain in her life.

She twined her arms about him. “Sometimes the pain is what makes the pleasures in life even sweeter.” She rose on tiptoe and kissed him, her mouth brushing over his. Even the barest touch of their mouths sent a frisson of heat through her.

Will pulled back. “You call that a kiss?” he murmured.

“If I kiss you how I want, I’m afraid we might spill our beverages.” She eyed the table behind them and thought how easy it would be to allow Will to sweep the cups to the floor and lay her back on it.

Will released her, which made her frown until she saw he grasped his notebook, closed it, and stuffed it in his coat. He took her hand. “Let’s go to our chamber, Mrs. Galloway?”

She pulled back, laughing. “Mrs. Galloway? I’ve fallen in rank.”

“I feared the innkeeper wouldn’t allow me in the room if I didn’t say you were my wife.”

“And how did you knowIwould allow you in the chamber?”

He winked at her. “I have my ways.”

Yes, she thought. Yes, he did.

Chapter Fourteen

Will closed the door behind him and fumbled for the lock, unable to secure it before Emily pushed him against the door and kissed him. He thought he’d have to spend the night apologizing and groveling. He didn’t relish the task as he was proud that he was an agent and felt no need to apologize for it. He hadn’t meant to hurt her, and now she seemed to understand that. All of these factors only reinforced what he’d already known about her—she was a rare woman.

She stripped off his coat and ran her hands down his arms and over his back. The coat landed on the floor, and Will was glad to be rid of the garment, heavy with damp from the rain. He unbuttoned his waistcoat as Emily reached for her cloak, allowing it to drop beside his coat. Underneath, her dress was wet and clung to her body, and Will could have cursed himself for not considering how chilled she must be in her wet things.

Instead of allowing her to ravish him against the door, as he would have liked, he took her hand and pulled her to the hearth. A low fire burned there, but he grasped the poker and stoked it, adding a bit of kindling to make it burn hotter.

“Are my hands too cold for you?” she asked, a smile on her face as she watched him.

“No, but Victoria will never forgive me if you catch a chill. I should have stripped you of these wet things an hour ago.”

“Strip me now,” she said and removed a comb from her hair. The bulk of the shining silver mass fell over her shoulders, and then she plucked at a few pins and the rest of it tumbled down aswell. Will couldn’t resist reaching out to run his hands through the soft skein of it. It fell straight like a waterfall. Without warning, he spun her around so her back was to him. Lifting her hair out of the way, he kissed the back of her neck and traced a path to the fastenings of her gown. He was under no illusion that undressing her would be quick or simple. Ladies wore layer upon layer under their gowns—petticoats and crinolines and bustle to give their skirts a domed look. He quickly dealt with the bodice, peeling the wet material away and tossing it near the hearth to dry. Now she was in her corset, which extended into her skirts.

He'd start on those laces next, but first he traced a finger over the exposed skin of her upper back. It was so pale that he could almost see the blue veins through the flesh. He pressed his lips to it, and she made a sound of pleasure.

Reaching back, she unfastened the skirt and let it fall. He helped her with the next layers until she was standing in her stockings, chemise, and corset. The corset laced in the back, and he began to unlace it, the knot tight from the rain that had seeped through. But he finally freed it and pulled the laces away. She took in a deep breath when the garment fell and pressed her hands on her ribs. Will knew when he removed her chemise, he’d see the red impression of the corset’s boning on her skin.

Pulling her against him, he kissed her shoulder. She let her head fall back on his chest, and he reached to the front of her chemise and pulled the strings loose. The garment slid open and then down, revealing her small, rounded breasts. He kissed the back of her neck, one hand coming around to cup her breast and flick lazily at the distended tip. She murmured, pressing her bottom into his hardening cock as his other hand pushed the material of her chemise down to her waist and then her hips.

His hand followed it until the fine lawn fell away, and she wore only her stockings and drawers. The drawers were whitewith blue silk ribbons threaded through the leg holes and below that trimmed with lace. It always amazed him how pretty women’s undergarments were, even when no one would see them. He unfastened the drawers and let them slide down her legs to reveal the triangle of pale hair between her thighs. He rested a hand on her hip, letting the fire and the heat of her skin warm his flesh before he cupped that triangle then slid between her legs.

“Will.” His name was a whisper, a plea, a prayer. He felt how slick she was, already prepared for him, though he had no intention of rushing this night. His fingers slid into her easily, feeling her muscles clench around him.

She looked up at him and he kissed her, a bit awkwardly as she was still leaning against him. Her nipple had hardened in his hand, and he thumbed it even as his tongue stroked hers and his fingers slid in and out of her then up to circle the small bud of her pleasure. She moaned and bit his bottom lip gently, and he couldn’t restrain himself any longer. He pulled away, causing her to make a sound of complaint, then swept her up and carried her to the bed. He set her on it gently then slid down her body until his mouth was between her thighs.

She tasted sweet, of the lavender soap she used and damp linen and woman. She parted her legs, and he swept his tongue inside her then over the pulsing heat of her until her hands grasped his shoulders and her back bowed.

She’d come hard and fast, and he vowed to make the next time take longer. But now he sat back and undid his neckcloth then the buttons of his shirt. He drew the garment over his head and tossed it aside. She’d turned her head to watch him, those pale blue eyes dark and wide now with desire.

She sat as he rose and dealt with his boots. Slowly she untied her garters and slid her stockings down. Will paused to watch as the creamy skin of her legs was revealed, inch by inch. She laidthe stockings aside then, naked, reached for his trousers. She unfastened them and slid them down over his hips, her fingers skating over his bare flesh as she did so. He stepped out of the clothing and stripped off the rest. Then he pulled the bedclothes down and climbed under them, holding them up so she might nestle beside him. She gave him a questioning glance, and he pulled the covers over them both.

“I intend to take my time,” he said. “I didn’t want you to get cold.”

“How thoughtful. You aren’t worried I shall fall asleep?”

“I’ll find some way to keep you awake.” He kissed her, tasting the tea she’d drank earlier. The scent of clean linen surrounded them as did the sound of the rain on the roof and the windows. She moved closer, and then his senses were overcome with the feel of her. She was soft and womanly, and he wanted to explore every inch of her. He took his time, as promised, touching, stroking, kissing.

When he was desperate to be inside her, though, she stayed him with her hand. “My turn.”