Page 38 of Lady and the Scamp

Chapter Nine

“Yes,” she said. She wanted him to touch her, and she wanted him to look at her like he did right now for the rest of her life. His gaze told her he needed her more than breath.

She gasped as his hand slid over her damp curls, and his mouth covered hers to catch the sound. The kiss was hot, but his touch was the real tinder. He slid two fingers over her sex, instantly heating her and sending sparks of feeling throughout her body. He took his time touching her, caressing her until her entire body had come alive and smoldered. Then he dipped one finger inside her, and she jerked at the sensation.

He ended the kiss and stilled. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. Far from it.” She grasped his head and pulled his mouth back to hers. “Don’t stop,” she said before kissing him. He slid back into her, and she moaned and clutched at his hair. Just when she thought her body would catch fire, he slid his slick finger upward to circle the small pulsing center of her. She almost exploded. Her head fell back, and she simply allowed the pleasure to consume her. The heat built, higher and higher, until Will’s skilled touch brought her over the edge, and she felt as though she exploded into a thousand bright stars.

When the thudding in her ears subsided, and the sounds of rain on the shelter and Will’s harsh breathing were audible, she turned her head to look at him. He’d pulled her skirts down and held her close, looking down at her.

“That was...” She didn’t have the words.

He nodded, a slight smile on his lips. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered and bent to kiss her. She shook her head, and he paused and gave her a questioning look. “You don’t think so?”

“Thank you for the compliment,” she said, “but I’m not a debutante. I don’t need sweet words.”

“I’m not giving you sweet words. I’m telling you what I see. You are a beautiful woman, and no more so than at this moment when your hair is streaming down your back and your face is flushed and your eyes bright.”

She studied him. “You really think I am beautiful?”

“I was stunned by you the first time I saw you.”

She cupped his face and kissed him softly. “Thank you. You make me feel beautiful.”

He raised a brow. “Is that what you’re feeling?”

She smiled. “My leg doesn’t hurt for the moment. That is something.”

He put his arm around her and looked up. “As much as I like forgetting about the world outside, I can’t keep it out forever. It will be dark in a few hours. I’d rather not sleep on the wet, cold ground.”

“Nor I.” How she longed for a bath and bed. She had never wished to be inside the palace so much as she did right now.

“We should have arrived in London by now. When we don’t, the queen will send men to search for us.”

She straightened. “I hadn’t thought of that. Perhaps they will catch the assassins.”

He gave her a dubious look. “Those men aren’t fools. They have been too clever with their ambushes. They won’t stand about on the road waiting for the royal guard to ride along. If they don’t find us soon, they will scatter.”

“And try again another day,” she said.

“I’m afraid so.” He looked so very serious in that moment. Then he seemed to shake the expression off. “But that is not ourconcern. Palmerston and his office can deal with the threats to Her Majesty. I need to get you home.”

“If you help me, I can make it back to the road.”

“I know you can, but if we encounter the cutthroats, you won’t be able to run, and we’re in no position to fight.”

She considered and understood his implication immediately. “You’ll go alone,” she said.

“Not if you don’t want me to leave you.”

“I’m not a child. It makes sense to wait here while you go back to the road and wait for the guard. You can go quietly and quickly. I’ll just be in your way.”

He squeezed her hand. “You’d never be in my way, but if I go back, I can hide until the guard arrives and lead them here. We can have you back to Town in a few hours.”


“You will be fine on your own?”