Page 63 of The Rebel Guardian

“You’re gone,” he said with a frown.

It looked like not everyone kept up with current events. “I’m back and so are her parents. You want to say this shit to the King of all Vampire? Because he can be here very quickly, and he’d love to discuss this with you.”

“He doesn’t care about the packs. He only ever used us to bring himself into power and then he allowed Myrddin to fuck the world over.” My new friend seemed to be fueled with anger.

A woman ran onto the scene, her long, dark hair flowing back. “Billy? What are you doing?” She stood in front of him, looking to Fenrir. “He didn’t mean anything. We’ve just gone through something terrible, and he doesn’t mean anything he’s said.”

“I think he means it.” Fenrir stood, his shoulders straightening. He turned quickly, realizing someone was walking up from behind him. “And I bet you mean it, too.”

Two other males were making their way toward us, and I had to believe they were wolves as well. One wore a trucker hat, the other a stately looking cowboy hat. He was bigger than either of the others and wore jeans and a button-down shirt, a bolo tie around his neck. There was something in his eyes that let me know of the wolves gathered here, he would be the top dog, the alpha the others would defer to.

“Hello, Fenrir,” Cowboy Hat said. “I was hoping we could talk.”

“Evan, sweetie, maybe you should go and find Trent for me.” I would feel better if she was out of the equation. This suddenly felt like a trap. We were surrounded. Had they been following my son?

Evan stood and suddenly there was a massive knife in her hands. “Oh, I think Trent will figure it out. You should understand—I don’t run from a fight.”

“Don’t bother, Mom,” Fen said. “I’ve tried everything to get her to hide when these bastards come around and she won’t. She’s absolutely as fierce as any alpha bitch. As Jered should know. Mom, meet the recently installed alpha of the American packs.”

Jered’s gaze found mine, his eyes narrowing. “Then it’s true. The Hunter has returned.”

“Yes, I’m back, and you better know that I’m going to protect my son.” Beyond hunting demons, I was also pretty good at keeping overly ambitious wolves in check.

He frowned my way. “I didn’t come here to harm Fenrir.” He gestured across the table toward the wolf couple. “I came to escort some of my people back to Colorado. It’s where we’ve gathered, those of us who survived Myrddin’s assaults. This is Billy Gibson and his wife, Lora. They were trying to stay in their own home, but the witches are good at picking off wolves who don’t belong to a pack.”

“I belonged to a pack,” Billy insisted. “They killed us. They didn’t even have to get close. They stood outside our homes and lit us up from within.”

I got that he was in pain, but I wasn’t about to let him blame Evan. “And I’m sorry for that. The king is even now working with our allies. He will put a stop to it.”

Billy pointed Fenrir’s way. “My king is sitting right there. He’s not helping his people. He’s mooning over vampire property.”

Evan’s middle finger made an appearance.

“Billy, stand down,” Jered ordered. The wolf at his side had gone tight, though he didn’t say a word. It was obvious Jered had an enforcer. “You and your mate should go and get your things. We’re leaving for Colorado shortly after sundown. I hope you’ve been kinder to our primal hosts.”

“I’ve hated every single second I’ve been in this extravagant palace. They live like kings while my people are on the run. They surround themselves with magic when magic is exactly what killed my brothers,” Billy spat. “Anyone who uses magic should be killed. We should be executing these people not making bargains with them, and it should start with her. She’s put our king under a spell. We should kill her and release him.”

I was done with Billy.

My hand had shifted, going to the nearly impenetrable demon skin I got when there was a battle to be fought. I got my taloned hand around Billy’s neck and squeezed barely enough to let him know I could pop his neck like a grape if I wanted to. “You are going to leave this nest now and you will not come back. If I ever see you around those kids again, I will take your head off so fast you won’t realize you’re dying. Go to Colorado and stick your head in the sand and pray I don’t see you again. Do I make myself clear?”

I felt him swallow under my hand. Apparently he could sense the wolf inside and his own responded to my authority. “Yes. Yes, I’ll take my wife and go join the pack. I don’t want to be here anyway.”

I released him, and he grabbed his wife’s hand and disappeared down the nearest hallway.

Evan’s eyes were wide as she moved close to Fen. “Remind me not to piss off your mom.”

Fen grinned. “Nah, you can make her mad all you like. Those eyes won’t ever be for you.”

I’ve been told when I’m really angry my eyes change, become all kinds of predatory. I’m never looking in a mirror at the time. I should try because I think it would be pretty cool.

“Hunter, I’m not here to fight.” Even Jered seemed to respond to whatever the hell was in my eyes in that moment. “I promise I haven’t lied. I truly am here to pick up the new members of our pack.”

“You’re the alpha.” It didn’t make sense for him to come all this way. “You don’t run these errands yourself. Unless they mean something to you.”

Jered glanced at his guard and nodded. The massive were took a big step back, obviously obeying some silent command. “All members of the packs mean something. They have to because we’ve suffered such massive losses over the last twelve years. But no, I didn’t merely come here to personally pick them up. I heard a rumor you were here. I wanted to talk to you, to see if you can be more reasonable than your son.”

“I would say no,” Fen said under his breath. He picked up Evan’s drink and brought the straw to his mouth.