Page 38 of The Rebel Guardian

Trent’s hand came down, a look of outrage on his handsome face. “What?”

“He was being an asshole.”

Gray growled again, his eyes going dark. “I was trying to protect you.”

“For the one millionth time, I don’t need to be protected. Are you going to tell me all the dark and dirty shit you want to do to me?” I’d heard this excuse so many times. “Because I like the kinky sex stuff.”

“Kelsey,” Trent began.

I ignored him. “I liked it when you used to spank me and tie me up and get super bossy during sex. I’m not some tender thing you have to take care of.”

“Kelsey.” Trent moved away from Gray.

“I like your horns and fangs, but what I would like even more is a guy who’s fucking comfortable with himself,” I complained.

That was when Gray roared and brought his fists down on the ground, making the whole room shake.

Trent moved in front of me. “Kelsey, when he gets back from Hell he can be violent until he’s calm enough to take his human form. Stop arguing with him. Stop it right fucking now and let me handle him.”

Gray picked up the nightstand and threw it across the room.

The door behind me burst open and suddenly a massive wolf was in front of me. Fenrir growled low from his throat, and his pitch black fur stood up.

Evan gasped behind me. “Kelsey, we should ease back. Don’t make any quick moves. Fen, remember who he is and what he’s done to protect all of us.”

The growl from my son told me he didn’t care.

“Fenrir, go back to your room right this second.” Trent got between the hulking violent demon and the massive wolf who looked like he would kill to protect me. “He’s not going to hurt me or your mother and you know it.”

“He won’t mean to. We know that.” Evan seemed to speak for Fen when he was in wolf form. “But you can’t blame him for trying to protect his mother or you.”

Gray punched a hole through our nice wall, disrupting the magic and exposing the rock behind it. His fist started to bleed.

“I don’t need protection,” Trent replied. “I need privacy. Kelsey, if you can’t stop…”

I’d done enough damage. “Fen, please leave us. He won’t hurt me. Your dad would never let anyone hurt me.”

Fen merely growled again.

“Kelsey, I think you have to come with us,” Evan said. “I don’t think Fen will leave.”

Gray was staring at Fen, baring his fangs. Those big, hot as fuck fangs. I didn’t have to kneel to look my child in the eyes. Fen’s wolf was big enough I barely had to lower my head to make eye contact. “Fen, I’m about to do all sorts of weird sex stuff with your dads…”

My son turned as fast as he could and ran away.

Evan grinned. “I bet that’ll work with my brothers, too. All righty then. Carry on, adults.”

She closed the door on her way out.

Gray stood in the middle of the room, his eyes gone red. He breathed in and out as though trying his damnedest to hold on, to stay still.

To not hurt us.

What had Hell done to my demon?

“All right, babe. How do we handle him?” I was going to let Trent lead me. This was his world and had been for years. I was the newbie here, and I would wreck things as surely as Gray if I didn’t stop and listen to Trent.

“He needs to be touched, to be reminded he’s here and not there.” Trent had a grim look on his face. “I’m not sure you should be here. He’s too emotional around you.”