Page 57 of Dark Whisper

Afanasiv looked at her quickly, his eyes going a deep green, then golden with only a few flecks of green. He had a focused stare now. Alert. Predatory. The stare of a great jungle cat before it brought down its prey. She felt the wolf in her respond, come close to the surface to protect her. Her heart responded to the dangerous interaction between them. She couldn’t stay in Dimitri’s house surrounded by Afanasiv’s brethren. She had no allies here. They were all his. Her wolf would be torn to pieces if she tried to fight her way out.

She stood up, a smile plastered on her face, portraying a look of serenity and feminine sweetness. She had perfected that look over the years, practicing until she knew she could fool the entire council if necessary. The council was made up of the elder Lycans who were very good at spotting lies or misdirection any of the royals might give. Because they kept the land clear of vampires and demons but didn’t want to reveal the gifts they had to anyone, they often had to be very careful what they said to the council.

“Dimitri, Skyler, I love your home. Thank you for inviting me. Forgive me, but I find myself exhausted and need sleep. It was lovely meeting everyone, and I hope to see all of you soon. Afanasiv, please feel free to stay and visit with everyone. I’m going to allow my wolf to run, and then I’ll be heading back to my room.”

Afanasiv stood as well. She was tall and used to looking a man in the eye. He was taller, and she felt as if he loomed over her.

“I will go with you. Given that I believe Dimitri is correct in thatLilith will have a special hatred for you, and you’re already a target, I think it best if we always stay close to each other.” He gestured toward the door.

There was no arguing with him in front of the others. He wasn’t giving her a choice. She had to be gracious and keep her sweet smile plastered on her face. Keep her heart beating exactly the same rhythm. Make certain that her hands didn’t tremble. Most of the time, those things were automatic. Now she had to think of each separate piece to make certain no one noticed she was agitated.

Before she could exit the house, Nicu stepped in front of her, holding up his hand. “Allow me to make certain there is nothing harmful waiting, Vasilisa.” He didn’t wait for her to agree. He went out the door, leaving it open so she could see him as he went down the stone steps into the white world. At once, shadows came out of the trees to join him. The wolves were large, with healthy winter pelts of thick silvery fur, so they blended in with the snow and ice.

The wolves continually circled Nicu and pushed against him, lifting their heads to look him directly in the eyes. He knelt down in the snow and took the alpha’s head in his hands. It was obvious to Vasilisa that the two were communicating. She had heard that animals fell under Nicu Dalca’s spell, but witnessing it was much like watching a miracle.

After ensuring that he had touched each wolf, Nicu turned his attention to the trees. Vasilisa looked up as well, and was startled to see that the branches held a multitude of birds, mostly owls but other night birds, too. Several opened their wings and fluttered them or called down to him using various haunting notes.

Nicu turned to her and beckoned. “It is safe for you to run with the wolves if you choose to do so, Vasilisa. I will run with you to ensure your safety.”

“As will your lifemate,” Afanasiv stated firmly.

“We will be with you, as well,” Petru said.

Benedek nodded. “Have no fears. You will be perfectly safe.”

Vasilisa was torn between laughing and crying. So much for being alone. She would have been safe regardless of these men guarding her or not.

“Thank you.” There was nothing else she could do other than throw a tantrum, and she wasn’t that woman. She needed to let her wolf out and run mindlessly until she was so exhausted she didn’t care about anything. The entire wolf pack was waiting for her. She wasn’t going to keep them waiting one moment longer.




Vasilisa slowly laid the tarot cards out on the small table in front of her the way she did every evening on rising. This was her third time, and no matter how many times she shuffled the cards, the same three came up. The death card was front and center in the upright position. She stared at it for a long time and then, with a little shake of her head, started to scoop up the cards.

“Wait.” Afanasiv had come up behind her. He indicated the cards. “What does that mean? Adalasia read the cards for us. They looked very different from these.”

Vasilisa picked up the cards, an idea suddenly coming to her. “Mine were designed exclusively for me. Adalasia’s were designed exclusively for her. Her ancestor’s mother had to have drawn her cards for them just as mine did.”

She cleansed the deck and then indicated for him to sit across from her at the little table. She hadn’t said much of anything to him the night before. Her wolf had run free over the powdery snow in the middle of the pack, the ancients running with her as wolves. She left behind every care, every sorrow, experiencing only the joy and freedom of being wild. By the time the sun showed signs of coming up, the ancient Carpathians had turned the pack toward the palace, allowingher to stumble into her room and black out the windows with her heavy drapery.

Vasilisa didn’t say one word to Afanasiv before falling into bed. He didn’t seem to mind. If she expected a fight, or a scene with him, she wasn’t getting one. He just tucked blankets around her, cleansing her body first so she felt refreshed. He bent over her, brushing her forehead with his lips, not asking for anything in return. He didn’t even try to push into her mind again, not since discovering her shields had been put in place as barricades to prevent him from reading her thoughts.

When she woke, the sun had already set, and she knew Afanasiv was up, consulting with his brethren. Her mind instantly wanted to tune itself to his. There was an emptiness inside her that continuously reached for him. She felt off-balance without him. That was annoying to her. She wasn’t a woman who needed a man, yet she felt she had to touch him to reassure herself he was alive and well. Silly, when she knew exactly where he was.

Vasilisa had showered and dressed with care. During the time she performed her regular routine, she had to fight to keep from reaching out to Afanasiv. Now, with the cards in her hands, she expected the need to lessen, but it only increased. Sitting across the small table from him, she could smell his fresh scent. What was it that appealed to her? Besides everything?

“Take the cards, Siv. Shuffle them and choose three cards.”

There was no hesitation on his part. He took the deck, wrapping his large hands around the cards. Instantly, the cards reacted to his power. Wind rushed through her sitting room as if they were outside and exposed on the highest peak. The shriek was loud and ominous as the gusts hurled through the room at breakneck speed, subsided and then struck again and again.

Siv didn’t move, not even when twin columns of water burst from the cards in his hands and twisted through the room in a maniacal dance. Only his eyes reacted, changing color from blue to green to a brilliant turquoise. His breathing never changed. His muscles nevertensed. He didn’t fight the power of the cards. He simply didn’t react at all, just kept his hands cupped around them, holding them away from Vasilisa so all reaction was pointing toward him, not her.

Eventually, the wind died down, then faded away completely. The water elements retreated back into the cards. Siv began to shuffle as if nothing amiss had taken place at all. His hands were sure on the cards. She couldn’t help noticing how easily he manipulated them. Now that the goddess accepted him, the cards cooperated with him.

“Choose any three cards and lay the deck aside.”