Because he was in spirit form, he could travel at will along the walls and ceiling, inspecting quickly for anything out of the ordinary ahead of Gaia. Their group moved fast, but Afanasiv was adept at using his vision swiftly.
Broken spider web, Gaia,he reported.
Gaia held up her hand and instantly everyone stopped. Afanasiv moved slowly along the wall, located the spider in a crevice and studied it carefully. The arachnid appeared real enough, but he wasn’t convinced. The urge to make a run for it was strong, but Afanasiv wasn’t going to take any chances. He moved very carefully between the spider’s anchor line and radius thread to get behind the web to see inside the crack behind the spider. A sharp awareness vibrated through Afanasiv’s spirit.
Vasilisa. Do you see this? There must be hundreds of them. The evil one has an army waiting for any who try to escape her.He included Gaia and her brothers in the loop.
Are there more on the other side, or is this the entire nest?Vasilisa asked.
Afanasiv backed out slowly, taking great care not to disturb the web.No one move or make a sound until we deal with this.
He examined the opposite wall thoroughly. He couldn’t find any evidence of hidden spiders on that wall, in the ceiling or on the floor. Unfortunately, the inspection took time they didn’t have. Chaos reigned above them in the form of fire and earthquakes, but once things settled, Lilith would demand to know where her prisoners were. She would suspect they would go out the same way Afanasiv had gone, and she’d take extra precautions to have her demons waiting for them on the other end.
When we get back to the crevice, Vasilisa will burn out the demons whilethey’re in their spider form. The moment the blue flames start, you move forward, but keep watch. The evil one won’t have stopped with just this one trap,Afanasiv said.
Once again, he started moving very carefully through the spiderweb. The radius threads were very close together, and it was difficult, even as a spirit, to slip through without the slight breeze disturbing the silk in passing.
Andros spoke to him for the first time.Who are you?
I am Afanasiv, Vasilisa’s lifemate.He answered the royal honestly.Most call me Siv.
Andros technically ruled the Lycan world, although the royals claimed it was only the small territory in Siberia that acknowledged them. Afanasiv knew better. Dimitri had studied the Lycan ways for centuries, and when Afanasiv and his brethren had asked questions, Dimitri had answered. He was protective of his wolves and their Lycan guardians but saw little harm in explaining the culture and history of the Lycan world. Afanasiv thought it extraordinary of Dimitri after the torture the Lycans had put him through that he remained loyal to them.
You have made your claim on my sister and sealed her to you?Andros’ voice was very mild, but there were notes of both censure and authority in it that said he was a royal and didn’t like that he hadn’t been consulted.
Afanasiv wasn’t about to get into any discussions about how one asked permission from a king for his sister’s hand in marriage. They were already married in the eyes of his people. His soul was sealed to hers. Hopefully Vasilisa understood fully that they were mated for eternity. He was certain she understood the claiming ritual. He’d explained carefully that once he wove their souls back together, nothing could break them apart.
I have. She is my wife.
He made it through the silken web to the shadowy crevice wherethe demon spider and its army lay in wait.You will have to get all of them in one shot, my lady. Close off both ends, but the general is the one who will communicate with the evil one. That must not happen.
Afanasiv conveyed absolute confidence in her. He honestly wasn’t certain if it was possible to do what he was asking of her, but if anyone could do it, he was sure it was Vasilisa. He felt her studying the army of spiders.
Move back about six inches, Siv.
He did so. The moment he did, the blue flames poured out of nowhere, leaping at the general first in a concentrated burst, devouring him completely, then sweeping left and right and back again. The long sweeps were very controlled and took in the entire army of demon spiders, burning row after row. The stench was foul. Gaia automatically cleared the air of any trace of the noxious odor before it could overpower her charges. When the last of the spider army had been destroyed, Afanasiv rejoined Gaia to lead the way.
Keep watch on the walls and ceiling. Place your feet carefully,Gaia reminded them.Stay as quiet as possible.
As they hurried down the corridor, it began to narrow. Afanasiv knew instantly this wasn’t right. His shoulders would have scraped the walls on either side had he been in his physical form.
What is this place, Gaia?
She would expect us to follow the route I took you on, Siv. I cast an illusion that we went that way, but I am taking us on an alternate course. It is a maze down here. This track loops around the arena and begins a steep climb to a portal that is closed. Mostly closed. I have seen cracks in it. I think, with help, Vasilisa can open it for you.
Afanasiv sighed. That didn’t sound as if she intended to leave with them.Why do you persist in staying?
Gaia was silent as she hurried as fast as possible while still studying the walls and flooring before her.If I were to leave, who would come to the aid of those the evil one targets? And who would ensure the beast heldcaptive behind the four gates remains a beast and doesn’t fully commit to the demon in him? I will stay until I feel there is a better solution.
Afanasiv knew from his past experience with her that Gaia wasn’t going to budge.This beast, Justice, is not your lifemate.
No, he is not.Her response was clipped. In all his dealings with her, Gaia was always calm, gentle and sweet. She sounded irritated, as if she knew her lifemate might be looking for her and was having none of it.
It is possible your lifemate cannot find you where you are.He took a stab at finding out if she was hiding from her lifemate.
That could be the point. Perhaps he shouldn’t have overlooked me so dismissively when he had the chance those years ago.
The corridor turned even narrower. The ceiling above was dirt, as were the walls and floor. The air was musty and it was much harder to breathe. Automatically, he provided better air for the Lycans.