Page 81 of Scarred

“Carly?” Mom calls from the kitchen. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

I walk in and inhale. “Tacos?”

“Your favorite.” She smiles at me before turning back to the lettuce she’s chopping into small shreds. “And your father’s.”

“Do you need help?” I walk to the sink to wash my hands.

“No, it’s all under control. Dad is in his den. He wants to talk to you.”

I feel nothing but dread. “I know. About last night…”

“Just go talk to Dad, okay?” Mom doesn’t meet my gaze.

Yeah, she’s just as I thought. I slept with a guy and it’s hanging in the air between us.

“All right.” I grab a diet soda out of the refrigerator and walk toward the den.

The door is closed, so I knock. “Daddy?”

“Come in, Carly.”

I open the door. He’s sitting behind the table he uses as a makeshift desk. His computer screen is dark, which is odd. When he’s in the den, he’s almost always on the computer. I expected him to have all kinds of documents pulled up to show me how horrible the Bridgers are. Evidence to prove his case against them.

“Sit down.” He nods to a chair on the other side of the table.

I take the seat while I chew on my lower lip.

Here it comes.

“Where were you today?” he asks.

I clear my throat. “At work.”

Silence for a moment, until—

“I see.”

No blow up. No shouts of anger. I’m not sure if this empty stoicism is any better.

“I worked at Bridger Ranch. As usual. Dr. Davis is thrilled to have me. She needs me. She’s swamped, with the other vet out.”

I’m not sure why I’m explaining myself. I want to work at Bridger Ranch, so I’ll work there.

“I see,” Dad echoes. A pause, and then, “Jonathan Bridger was not a good man.”

And it begins.

“I know that’s what you think.”

“That’s what I know, Carly.” He rises and comes around the table to sit next to me. “This will be difficult for you to hear.”

“Whatever you say won’t change my mind about working there. Or about Austin.”

He shakes his head and takes a fortifying breath. “You can’t say that. Not until I tell you the truth.”

“I can say that, Daddy. I understand Mr. Bridger cheated you, but the brothers will make that right. I’m sure he cheated others, too. He probably broke the law. He probably did any number of things, but that was the father. Not the sons.”

“Carly,” Dad says, “have you ever wondered why you were abducted?”