Page 79 of Scarred

We’re naked. On a bed. Not having sex.

“Every part of you,” he continues. “But if you need to talk about any of it—”

I shake my head. “I don’t, not with you.”

He takes my hand, entwines our fingers together. “I’m falling hard for you, Carly Vance, and I need to know.”

He’s so wonderful…and I’m such a mess.

But when Austin Bridger looks at me, I don’t feel scarred. I don’t feel like… less than whole. I don’t feel damaged.

I feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

“You can help just by being yourself,” I tell him. “That’s what no one seems to understand. What would help me the most is if everyone would just treat me like a normal person. I’m not just talking about you. I mean my parents, Lexie, Chance, everyone. Yes, I’ve been through hell, but I came out kicking, and I’m ready to just be normal again.”

“Oh baby, I don’t see you that way. I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“If I need anything, I’ll tell you. I’m not too proud to ask for help. But what I need right now is for you not to treat me like that fragile little puppy of Duchess’s who has to be bottle-fed. I’m scarred, yes, but I’m healing.” I breathe in, let it out slowly. “I’m sorry I told you I was damaged. I’m not. You proved it to me. I can still feel, and it’s a wonderful thing.”

“Fuck, yeah. Baby, you make me feel too. More than I ever thought I could.”

I push his hair off his forehead. “What do you mean?”

He chuckles. “I’ve never been serious when it comes to women, but you make me want to be. Hell, I already am with you.”

Warmth surges through me. I can’t possibly be in love with this man. Not yet.

So why do I feel like I’ve found my forever?

Of course it’s someone my father doesn’t want me anywhere near.

Which reminds me…

“God, I still I need to talk to my dad.”

“I know.”

“I need to see Lexie and tell her I’m all in with my job, no matter what my dad said. I’m late…again.”

“Don’t worry. She’ll have you.”

“Don’t you dare put in a good word for me or make excuses for why I’m late. This is my responsibility, Austin.”

He holds up his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay.”

I rise and begin to dress.

“Such a shame to cover all those treats up,” Austin says. “I didn’t get to suck on those pretty little nipples.”

“When you get back from Seattle, they’ll be waiting. All of me will.”