Page 62 of Scarred

He’s not steering me away. Or poking fun. Or telling me I shouldn’t go through with it.

He’s not shaming me.

He’s helping.

I blink at him. “Um…thanks?”

“You’re welcome. Have fun.”

God, could I be any more mortified?

Maybe I should go. This was a stupid idea. What was I thinking? I turn toward the door, ready to tuck my proverbial tail between my legs and go home. To my childhood bedroom. And my vibrator.

“Don’t you dare chicken out now, Carly. You’ve made it this far.”

I stop and realize he’s right.

I nod and spin around again, heading toward Austin’s room.

“Hey, Carly?”

I glance at him over my shoulder.

“If you can’t tell, this place is huge. No one’ll hear you if you’re a little loud.”

He winks and I scurry off.

For thirty minutes I’ve been lying naked between Austin’s cool sheets, and second thoughts are invading my mind. Again. I’m in the middle of a nervous spiral of doubt when I hear footfall coming down the hallway.

I swallow and tug the sheet over me.

The door opens, and in strides Austin.

He looks like a god. His hair is windblown, and his cheeks are shiny with sweat. What this man can do to a plain white T-shirt…

He stops short when he sees me, his hand still on the door.

“Holy fuck,” he breathes, raking his gaze over me.

He stares. I stare back.

He stares some more.

I squirm. “Hi.”

“What are you doing here?” He kicks the door shut with his foot, his eyes never leaving mine.

I frown. “If you can’t tell, I’m not doing it right.”

“Oh, you’re sure as hell doing it right, but why? I thought we were going to take this slow.”

I sit up, tugging the sheet with me.

“Jesus, you’re naked, aren’t you?”

I am. I might have a vibrator, but I don’t have sexy underwear. Even having never done this before, I know plain cotton panties and bras aren’t part of any seduction routine.

His words rile me. Not the naked part, but before that.