Page 9 of Scarred



The woman jerks and drops the soft rag she was using on the horse. And damn, what a horse! I know planes, not horses, but that’s got to be the most amazing animal I’ve ever laid eyes on.

And the woman? Even more incredible.

Fuck. Her long brown hair is pulled back in a high ponytail, and several strands have come loose. Her face has a sheen of perspiration, and she’s wearing old jeans, a white T-shirt, and a pair of roughed-up cowboy boots, but none of that detracts from her smoking hot body, angelic face, and blazing green eyes.

Fuck, those eyes.

If she’s what’s been hiding in Montana, maybe I shouldn’t have waited so long to visit my long-lost family.

She lifts her eyebrows and steps away from me. She raises her hands in front of her as if to stop me. “Who are you?”

“Austin Bridger. I—” I pause and take in the extent of the stables. One of the horse’s stalls is probably half the size of my old apartment in Seattle…and it’s air conditioned. A chuckle erupts from my throat. “Hell, I guess I own the damned place.”

Or I will, after I spend the next year here with my brothers. Half brothers who I still haven’t met.

“And you are…?” I continue.

She returns her gaze to the mare. “Carly. Carly Vance.”

Her voice is soft and tentative, and it goes right to my dick.

“What are you doing here, Carly?” I ask, trying to prod information from her, even though it’s obvious what she’s doing.

Her tongue peeks out and wets her plump lower lip. “I work here. As of today.”

She works here? Fuck it all. Screwing the help is never a good idea. I found that out six months ago when I had a few too many at a local bar and took my bookkeeper, Lori, to bed. Before we hit the sheets, I made it clear it was a casual, one-time thing, and she agreed.

Until the next day, when she demanded a raise or said she’d publicly accuse me of sexual harassment. Luckily, the female bartender overheard our conversation, so I had a witness. Once Lori realized she’d made a grave error, she quit. Good riddance. We couldn’t afford a full-time bookkeeper anyway. Mom’s expenses were piling up.

So I’ll look at Carly, but I sure as hell won’t touch, no matter how much looking at her makes me consider otherwise.

I learned my lesson. Although my dick isn’t in agreement.

Carly doesn’t meet my gaze. Her stance is a little off. Is she…frightened of me?

I might be pissed about being in the state, being stuck with two half brothers I don’t even know, hell, even life in general, but I would never hurt a woman.

“Did you… did you need something?” She darts her gaze up to mine and then away.

Yeah, I need to kiss those full pink lips. Get them wrapped around my—

I clear my throat and shift my stance.

“No. I’m just getting the feel of the place.” The ranch is enormous. Shankle told me there are over fifty thousand acres. It’ll take me most of the year to see all of it.

A frown causes her brow to wrinkle. “I thought you said you’re the owner. Except…isn’t Chance Bridger the owner since his father passed away?”

His father, my father. He’s still dead. “Chance is my half brother.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh. I didn’t realize he had a brother.”

“Half brother. And he has two, actually.” I hold two fingers up.

Her eyes widen at the news. “There’s another one?”