Page 74 of Scarred

“But you can,” Chance adds.

Miles steps closer. “Yeah. If what we’re hearing is all of it, we can help you find a new pilot while you’re taking those trips. One who isn’t a thieving dick.”

Chance’s smile spreads. “I’m happy to track down this Greg asshole and let him know there’s more than one Bridger now.”

I think Chance has a need to beat the shit out of someone. I’m glad it’s moved on from me to someone more… deserving.

“You two want to move to Seattle? I thought we’re supposed to run the ranch together. That we have to stay in Montana.”

“I didn’t say move,” Chance says. “Per Shankle, all we get is a week. Then we have to be back here to continue to meet the rules of the will.”

Carly nods. Doing this means a week away from her, but I don’t have much choice.

“You hear all that, Mom?”

“I did. It’s a start.”

”Then I guess I’ll see you soon. I’ll be in touch. You just take care of yourself, okay?” I end the call.

Carly stands next to me, her hand still in mine. “So you’re leaving…”

I pull her away from Chance and Miles so we have a bit of privacy. “Only for a week, sweetheart.”

“You might forget me in a week.” She looks down at my chest.

I tip her chin up. “That is not going to happen.”

She sighs. “I won’t forget you, for sure. I do have to go talk to my father.”

“So you can get the lowdown on the evil Bridgers.” I grin.

“Whatever he says, I know it has nothing to do with you, but…”

“But…you need to hear him out.”

“I do. I need to learn what he knows. I’d much rather go to Seattle with you.”

“God, I wish…” I kiss the top of her head and then I hand her my phone. “Program your number in. I don’t want to be out of touch with you for a second. You need me, I’m a call away.”

She adds her number and hands the phone back. I tap on her name and her phone rings in her pocket. “Now you have my number, too. Call me anytime, baby. I mean it.”

“I will. When are you leaving?”

“I have no idea. I have to talk to Chance and Miles. Tonight if possible, I suppose. If we can get a flight.”

Chance shakes her head, chuckling. “Did you forget already?”

I wrinkle my forehead. “Forget what?”

“We can leave anytime we want. We Bridgers have our own private jet.”

My jaw drops. Damn. He said something about a plane that first day when we all met, made some snide comment about training wheels.

Carly touches my cheek. “You, Austin, have your own plane.”

“Can we even use it?”

If Shankle says the three of us only get a small stipend each month, maybe there are rules for other things as well.