Page 15 of Scarred

Think the words, Carly.

I haven’t been there since before I was taken. Have they always had ladies’ night? I never went in the past.

“What exactly is ladies’ night?” I ask.

“Ladies get their first drink free and then half price after that,” Lexie says. “I’m going with two girlfriends.”

“What about…men?”

Will Austin be there?

“There will be men, of course. Ladies’ night also brings in men.” She bites her lip and casts her gaze downward. She remembers. “I’m sorry, Carly. I wasn’t thinking.”

The freaking elephant in the room rears its ugly head.

“No.” I shake my head. “It’s okay. In fact, I’d like to go.”

The words come to me quickly. Too quickly because now I have to go. I want to go. It’s time to…get laid. If I want to ask Austin to have sex with me, I need practice talking to men. Ladies night could help me make that happen.

“Good.” Lexie smiles. “You can leave at any time if you’re uncomfortable.”

Funny thing is…I’m not uncomfortable. At least not at the thought. Once I get there, it may be a whole different story. The idea of having sex—consensual, fun sex—is a lot different than actually doing the deed.

I want to take my life back, and today—my first day at work—helped a lot. Why not go a little further? Besides, Lexie will be there, and while we’re not friends—she’s my boss—she is a familiar face.

This is all part of healing.

Of becoming Carly again.

Mom and Dad will not like this. If Dad lost his shit over me working here at the Bridger Ranch, he’ll lose his shit at ladies’ night.

Which makes it official. I’m going. I’m going to get laid. Soon.

“What time?” I ask.

“I can drive you. I’ll swing by your parents’ place at eight. That work?”

I smile. “I can’t wait.”