Page 115 of Scarred

He’s inviting Austin?

“Yes, sir. I’m sure I will.”

I feel like a fish with my mouth opening and closing, but he turns and heads to his truck before I can say anything.

We watch in silence as he drives off.

Miles heads to my car, opens the door and drops into the seat. He grunts because his knees don’t fit under the steering wheel. Reaching down, he uses the lever and pushes the seat back. “If there isn’t any hydrolock, this should start right up. Good thing it’s an older model and not electronic based.”

He tries the ignition and it does start. Miles looks to me and winks.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. A little detailing and it’ll be as good as new,” he calls. “Although if you let me spend a little time with this baby, I’ll have it all tricked out.”

Chance tosses Austin the keys to his big truck.

“I’ll ride with Miles…if I can fit.” He gives me a smile and a wink and then folds himself into my passenger seat.

Miles does a U-turn and heads back to the ranch.

“Do they remind you of two clowns in a circus car?” Austin asks as he pulls me into his side.

We’re left alone in the middle of the road along with the roar of the swollen creek.

Austin pulls me close. Holds me tightly, almost too tightly, but I don’t care.

We’re soggy and he’s remarkably warm and perfect. He kisses the top of my head.

“Woman, you scared ten years off my life. Fuck.”

“I’m sorry. I—”

“Don’t be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong. Except leave my side. I think the best thing is to never let you out of my sight. Or my hold.”

I nuzzle his damp shirt. “I think that’s a good idea.”

“Your dad doesn’t hate me.”

There is a mixture of surprise and wonder in his voice, the same that I feel.

“I know. I think we should celebrate.”

“I’m game. How?” he asks.

“A shower,” I reply. With his body heat warming my front, the rest of me is starting to chill.

Austin laughs and I feel it through our joined chests.

“Perfect idea.”

“Especially since I’m not to leave your hold.”

He pushes me back just enough so he can lean down. Our eyes meet. “Got something in mind?”

I smile. “So many things.”

“Will we have enough hot water for all of them?”