Page 114 of Scarred



Austin’s words permeate me. Infuse me with warmth. Though I’m soaking wet, dirty with mud, and a complete mess, none of that matters.

I feel like the most beautiful princess in the world nestled in Austin’s arms, his words of love flowing around us and protecting us like a soft cloud.

“I love you, too,” I say against him. “So much.”

We stay in our cloud for a moment, just the two of us.

Until a throat clears.

It’s my father. Yeah, maybe not the best time to profess our love for each other. My cheeks heat.

I pull away. “Daddy?”

He clears his throat. “I owe you an apology, Bridger. All of you, actually.”

“It’s all right, Mayor.” Chance sets his thumbs in the front pocket of his jeans.

I look up at Austin, and all I see in his face is pure relief. Pure happiness that I’m here.

My father steps forward. “You seem to truly care about my daughter.”

“I do, Mayor. It wasn’t my intention to profess my love to her in front of you and my brothers, but when I was faced with losing her…”

“You both need to chill,” Carly says. “Neither of you is ever going to lose me. I know how to take care of myself.”

“You do, sweetheart,” Dad says. “I’m sorry I didn’t have more faith in you.”

“It’s okay. I understand.”

“You’d better not be going anywhere,” Austin adds.

My father sticks his hand out then, and Austin shakes it. He moves on to Chance and Miles next.

It’s a start. My father will never love the Bridgers. He’ll always associate them with their father and whatever bad things he did. But he’s willing to try.

That’s all I ask for. Because I never want to have to pick. I just learned my heart is big enough for the man who raised me and the man I want to spend my life with.

“You need to get out of the weather. Some dry clothes,” Dad advises.

We’re all waterlogged, but I’m muddy and there’s grass in my hair.

I don’t disagree, but he surprises me with his next words.

“Go with Austin, sweetheart. He’ll take care of you.”

I feel Austin’s fingers lightly squeeze my hip. Yeah, he’s stunned too.


“Go. Be happy. And be home for dinner.”

He’s actually smiling, which makes me smile.

“Six o’clock, Austin. I’m sure you’ll like my wife’s pot roast.”