Page 73 of Bite at First Sight

Moments later, Vincent Tremayne, Earl of Deveril and Lord Vampire of Cornwall, entered the library, towering over Anthony and, well, everyone. His disheveled silver-gold hair hung in his face. Lydia, his former ward turned vampire bride, walked in at his side. The top of her head only reached just below his chest.

Cassandra blinked in surprise, not recalling that the earl was so tall. How did they…? Her cheeks flamed and she cut short the thought.

As if reading her mind, Lady Deveril flashed a mischievous smile, her golden eyes glowing like a blacksmith’s forge. Her wavy black hair gleamed like spun obsidian, and her pale skin resembled alabaster. How had she ever thought them to be human?

Lord Deveril strode over to Rafe, brushing aside a lock of moonlit hair. “I apologize for the delay. Lydia had to pack her guns. They should arrive along with the rest of our trunks the night after tomorrow.”

Rafe closed his eyes a moment and mouthed something indecipherable before meeting the earl’s gaze. “So you will both stand with me? I cannot begin to—”

“Save your thanks for later,” the earl said levelly and sank to one knee, his tone suddenly turning formal. “Lord of London, I humbly beg your indulgence to allow my bride and me to hunt in your territory.” His stormy eyes glittered as he glanced at Cassandra. “We are quite depleted from our long run, and I’m afraid Lydia’s restraint will not last long around your, ah…Lady Rosslyn.”

Lydia glared at him and put her hands on her hips. “I am perfectly all right!”

Despite her vehement declaration, Cassandra couldn’t help stepping closer to Rafe. The fresh-faced Lady Deveril was eyeing her as if she were a side of roast beef.

Rafe pulled her closer against him and inclined his head respectfully. “As Lord of London, I grant you and Lydia permission to seek sustenance in my lands for the duration of your stay so long as you adhere to the Elders’ laws.”

Lord Deveril began to bow, then jerked back abruptly. “Your arm! It’s… But how?”

“Healed?” Rafe supplied with a wry grin. At Deveril’s nod, he continued, “As for the how, I thought you knew Lady Rosslyn was a physician.”

Deveril rounded on Cassandra, mouth agape. “You repaired his arm?”

She nodded slowly, overwhelmed by his intent scrutiny. “I performed a long series of operations.”

“Yes, she filleted me like a trout several times.” Rafe took Cassandra’s arm and turned toward the door. “But we can speak more on that later. For now, let us hunt.”

Deveril held up a hand. “You’re not bringing her along, are you?”

“I am.”

Lydia frowned and looked at her feet. “Are you certain that is the wisest idea, my lord?”

Rafe gripped her tighter. “I am not letting her out of my sight. Besides, she has witnessed me feeding before.”

Deveril nodded in agreement. “Even if she hadn’t, it would still be expedient to educate her in our way of life.”

“I suppose…” Lydia trailed off, still looking embarrassed.

Cassandra felt a pang of sympathy. “Don’t worry, Lady Deveril. I won’t watch you.”

Lydia flashed Cassandra a grateful smile, which was slightly unnerving with the glimpse of sharp fangs.

Once they were out of the house and away from the view of passersby, Rafe pulled Cassandra into his arms. “Wrap your legs around me, Querida,” he whispered in his rich, decadent voice.

Giving the earl and countess a blushing glance, she complied, melting into his warmth as he lifted her up.

“To Cheapside?” Rafe asked Deveril.

The earl took his wife’s hand and nodded. “Prepare to choke on my dust, Villar.”

The two vampires vanished from the spot. Rafe grumbled a Spanish curse and tightened his grip on Cassandra before taking off with such a burst of speed that she had to close her eyes or lose her breakfast.

In seconds, they were in the poor section of town. Cassandra glimpsed the earl and countess following a pair of street drabs into an alley. Rafael set her down and sighted his own prey, a drunkard stumbling out of a ramshackle pub.

Grasping her hand, he strode over to the human and mesmerized him. Like a placid lamb, the mortal allowed himself to be led behind the building. As Rafe released her and plunged his fangs into his victim’s throat, Cassandra felt a wayward pulse between her legs, remembering the pleasure of his bite.

Afterward, they rejoined the earl and countess.