Page 68 of Bite at First Sight

The intense orgasm became overpowering until she could do nothing but cling to him and tremble. Rafe was merciless.

He seized her hips and rocked her faster, sending her even further over the edge of ecstasy. “That’s it, Querida. Madre de Dios, you feel so good.”

Without warning, his fangs plunged into her neck, sending her pleasure into a sharp crescendo. He climaxed with a low growl that vibrated through her being as she felt him pulse within her core.

At last, he withdrew and collapsed on the bed, gathering her into his arms. Panting and boneless, Cassandra rested her head on his chest, listening to his pounding heart. She closed her eyes in awestruck silence at the experience they had just shared.

The things he had made her body feel defied all reason and logic. He had given her pleasure worth dying over. Was it some sort of preternatural ability due to him being a vampire? Or was it a natural phenomenon between certain men and women? Had her late husband shared this with his lover?

As odd as it was, she hoped they had.

Rafe placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, bringing her back to the present. Slowly her muddled thoughts cleared and awareness of her situation returned.

“Rafe,” she began cautiously, “if you’re not going to kill me, and you can’t Change me, then what—”

He cut off her words, pressing a gentle finger to her lips. “Please, Querida, let this wait until tomorrow. For now all I want to think about is the pleasure of holding you.”

Warmth flooded her at his words. Cassandra sighed and rested her head on his chest. He did care for her after all…but how much?

As sleep claimed her, his earlier words flitted through her mind. “I am not going to kill you. Not after what you’ve done for me…” But he did not say that he loved her.


26 October 1823

Rafe hid a smile as he returned from his evening hunt. He could see Cassandra through the window, pacing the drawing room while waiting for him. She’d still been asleep when he rose for the night, tired and sated from his lovemaking.

He should have known that was not to last.

Anthony chuckled behind him as they headed to the front door. “She looks ready to do battle. I cannot believe you haven’t talked to her yet about her situation. Whatever did you do last night to put it off?” He winked. “And was it worth banishing me for the night?”

“I will not dignify that with an answer.” Rafe shook his head, fighting off seductive recollections of her naked body entwined with his. He sighed and paused with his hand on the door handle. “I still do not know what to tell her.”

His new second-in-command pulled an envelope from his breast pocket. “Perhaps you will have good news for her.”

“One can only hope.”

Rafe glanced at the letter adorned with the seal of the Lord of Blackpool. At nearly three centuries of age, he would be a good, powerful candidate to Change Cassandra. However, Rafe hadn’t spoken with Blackpool in over a decade, so he was also likely to refuse.

Unwilling to relinquish hope just yet, he tucked the envelope in his waistcoat and entered the house.

Cassandra immediately rushed over to him, hands shaking with apparent nervousness. “Are you ready to talk now?”

He laughed softly, though on the inside he was seething in fury at the sight of the bruise on her cheek. “Aren’t you the impatient one? Have you even eaten?”

“Mrs. Smythe brought me a tray.” She gave him a pointed look. “And yes, I am impatient, which I feel is quite justified under the circumstances.”

Rafe inclined his head in mock surrender. “You have a valid point. Very well, let’s adjourn to the study.”

She managed a shaky smile before lifting her skirts and following him.

Once settled in the overstuffed chairs by the desk, Rafe lit a cigar and exhaled slowly. “For a vampire to Change a mortal, the vampire must be at least a century old. It takes a great amount of power and strength. And once a vampire Changes someone, that vampire will not be able to repeat the action for another century.”

Cassandra leaned forward, lush lips parted in rapt fascination. “What happens if they try to Change someone too soon?”

“The mortal will almost certainly die, and the vampire attempting the transformation will be greatly weakened.” Rafe tapped his cigar in the ashtray. “This is why I won’t risk it with you.”

She nodded and frowned. “What are you going to do then?”