“He isn’t dead,” her companion whispered.

Vivian’s breath froze in her lungs. “What?”

“Lord Thornton has Rhys imprisoned in the cellar behind the house.” Madame Renarde crossed the room and sat on Vivian’s bed. “From what I’ve observed, he’s still alive. He even fed him night before last.”

Vivian leapt from her bed. “Then we must free him at once!”

Madame Renarde nodded. “Yes, and quickly, while your uncle is out hunting for his meal.”

“Wait.” Vivian froze with her hand on the door handle. “I thought Uncle erased your memory.”

“He tried, and for my own self-preservation, I allowed him to believe his magic worked.” Madame Renarde said with a smirk. “While I do not think he has the stomach to do away with me, it is best to err on the side of caution.”

Even though Vivian quivered with the need to go to Rhys, she held back. “But if Uncle Aldric finds out that you helped me free Rhys, he’ll know of your ruse, and you’ll be at risk.”

“I cannot sit idle and watch you drown in heartache. I’d at first believed that you merely suffered from a childish infatuation with Rhys, and I was gravely wrong.” Madame Renarde took her hands. “Especially since it was my fault that Rhys was captured in the first place. My fever and the laudanum I was given for my cough loosened my tongue and I told Lord Thornton why Rhys wanted the ransom money. I won’t have his death on my hands, if I can help it.”

Vivian threw her arms around her friend. “I love you, Jeanette! No one has ever been blessed with such a good friend as you.”

As they rushed down the stairs together, Vivian’s heart bloomed with hope as she clutched her dowry settlement. She would see her love in moments, save his life, and god willing, they could be together at last.