Furthermore, he could not stop himself from offering comfort. “I am certain Blackpool—er—Lord Thornton, is fond of you and cares for you very much.”
It was a discomfiting realization, that Rhys and the Lord of Blackpool had that in common, caring for mortal kin. The knowledge made it difficult to hate the man.
“If he cared so much, why hasn’t he paid the ransom?” Vivian asked with an accusing glare.
“The point of a ransom is that the hostage is not harmed, so he knew you were safe. Now that the stakes have changed, I am certain he will be in a hurry to deliver the money.” Rhys changed the subject, not wanting to dwell on what life would be like with her gone. “You still have not told me why you were so afraid of marriage.”
She attempted to hide an exasperated frown with her cup. “All my life, I’ve been told what I should want, but I’ve never felt that I do want those things. I know that I am expected to run my husband’s household, serve as a hostess for his parties, and bear his children. Yet little is said about sharing interests, a meeting of minds, or even fondness. And there seems to be no expectation about what a husband is supposed to do for me.”
“A lifetime of thing-hood,” he said, repeating the words he’d heard her say.
“Yes.” She nodded. “I do not wish for my husband to be like my father. Treating me like an inconvenient and uninteresting pet.”
“I am certain there are countless men who wouldn’t treat you in such a way.” Namely him.
“I do believe that. However, I spent so much time alone that I find it difficult to go about discerning which men would be inclined to enjoy my company.” Vivian set her cup aside and hugged her knees. “And it isn’t only about the men. I do not even know what I want, or what makes me happy. I know I enjoy reading, and Madame Renarde gifted me with a love of fencing, but other than that?” Her shoulders hunched. “How am I supposed to find a man who suits me when I don’t even know who I am?”
Rhys placed his hand atop hers. “I know who you are. You are a strong, courageous woman with an insatiable curiosity, quick mind, and a passion for living. You’re also a great beauty. All you require is confidence and a freedom to explore various interests to learn what incites your passion. I’ve seen how decisive you can be.”
“Do you truly believe so?” The hope in her voice tugged his heartstrings. He couldn’t bear to tell her that he’d likely ruined her marriage prospects.
“I do.” He squeezed her hand. “And if I didn’t need the money for my family, I would have instead demanded your hand in marriage as my ransom.” The admission slipped out before he thought.
Silence fell between them as she stared at him in shock.
He cursed under his breath. “Forget I said that.”
“Rhys?” Vivian’s imploring eyes were large enough to drown in. “Could you show me what marital affection is like?”
Rhys froze. She couldn’t mean what he thought she meant... could she?