Chapter Seven

Rhys cradled Vivianin his lap as he led the horses through the rolling hills of the countryside, taking care to avoid the roads. She was smaller than she’d seemed when she’d faced him down with that pistol, her dark eyes blazing with unholy wrath. He shook his head with wonder. She’d been so brave both times she’d faced him. So unlike the cringing, aristocratic females he’d been robbing for the past six years.

His admiration dampened at the throb of pain in his arm. He needed to feed to heal, but he also couldn’t allow the wound to close over the lead ball. Rhys had suffered cutting himself open to dig out a slug once and never wanted to repeat the experience. The problem was that he would have to ride all the way to his hidden lair in a weakened state before being able to deal with his injury.

And then he would have to feed as soon as possible. Unbidden, his tongue raked across his fangs with the compelling urge to feed on the tempting woman in his lap.

“No,” he whispered to himself. Leaving Vivian untouched was a crucial aspect of his plan.

However, that meant he may have to feed on Renarde if he failed to come across another human before dawn. Guilt niggled him. It was bad form to feed on those under a vampire’s care. But with his wound, Rhys might have no choice.

By the time he passed out of Blackpool’s borders, dizziness threatened to topple him and the precious burden he carried from his horse. Once more, he cursed the slow, mortal way of travelling. Taking deep, steady breaths, Rhys covered the long, plodding miles as fast as he dared, staying near the coast to keep the ride as smooth as possible.

At last, he reached the no man’s land, where his hidden cave lay. The horses protested the dangerous, rocky path until Rhys had to stop and tie them to the cliff-side. He left the sleeping ladies’ companion draped over her horse while he swung Vivian into his arms and carried her down to the mouth of the cave. Once he had her settled in one of the cots he kept prepared for guests, he went back and collected Madame Renarde before leading the horses down one by one. He would have preferred to turn them loose, but didn’t want an honest citizen to find them and report them found in the area. Besides, Vivian may like to do some riding while Rhys awaited Blackpool’s response to his demands.

He wouldn’t begrudge the lady fresh air and exercise in her captivity even though he’d have to double his vigilance at those times, lest she try to escape. And he was certain she would indeed try more than once.

That in mind, he bound her ankles with a strip of linen and did the same with Renarde.

With the horses tethered outside, cropping the grass, and his hostages secured, Rhys sat on the cot opposite from the sleeping women.

A twinge of remorse chewed at his heart as he looked down at Vivian’s composed face. A whisper of a smile shaped her lips, contentment personified.

She would hate him for this. He wondered why he should care. After all, Vivian was the kin of his second most hated enemy. He didn’t spare a thought as to what Renarde would think of him.

Rhys sighed. He may as well get it over with. Fixing his gaze on the women, he summoned his will. “Awaken,” he commanded.

Both women opened their eyes at once. Vivian gasped and Madame Renarde let loose a shrill shriek. Rhys blinked at the feminine sounds. Though expected, he was still unaccustomed to hearing such noises in his sanctuary.

Vivian recovered first. Her silvery-grey eyes narrowed on him with loathing.

“You blackguard!” she spat and launched herself at him, not realizing her ankles were bound. Immediately, she tripped.

Rhys caught her and sucked in a breath as her breasts pressed against his chest. The warmth of her body and the pounding of her heart in his sensitive ears brought forth his raging bloodthirst. He tore his gaze from the vein in her pale neck, but his torment took a new turn as his gaze landed on the tops of Vivian’s breasts, spilling over her blue satin ball gown. He then became aware that his hips were flush with her lower body.

His cock stirred with lust.