Chapter Twenty-one

Rhys awoke with hungerraging through him like wildfire. The scent of blood, so near, so sweet and tempting, made his upper lip curl, baring his fangs. As he moved forward to strike, a thought struck him. Since when had he awakened with a meal so close? His eyes snapped open and the sight of Vivian curled up beside him stole his breath.

The previous night and morning roared through his mind in a torrent of images and remembered sensations. He’d lain with her, taken her virginity, something he’d never intended on doing, yet something he’d been too weak to resist.

He’d fed from her as well, drank enough of her sweetness to make her dizzy. And yet his bloodthirst tore through his body with a fierceness he hadn’t experienced since he was a young vampire.

Rhys drew away from her and slowly made his way off the two cots he’d placed together so that he could hold her.

As his bare feet touched the cold stone of the cave’s floor, he realized that he was still naked. His gaze strayed to Vivian’s bare shoulder and the memories of her smooth warm skin and her lush body entwined with his brought forth a different sort of hunger. God, he’d never made love to a woman the way he had with her. The experience transcended the carnal. It was nearly spiritual.

“Rhys?” Vivian murmured sleepily and leaned up on the bed. The blanket slipped down, baring her round, creamy breast.

The sight stirred his cock. Rhys forced himself to look away before he fell upon her in a frenzy of mad lust. He walked to the shelves where he kept his clothing and grabbed his trousers, tugging them on and tucking away his erection. “I must go out and hunt.”

“But you can—”

“No!” He tamped down the temptation at what she’d been about to offer. “You’d be weakened if I drink from you twice in a row.”

She flinched at his harsh tone and pulled the blanket over her breasts. “Oh. When will you return?”

“In an hour or two.” Rhys turned away and donned a shirt, pausing a moment when he noticed the fine stitching where Vivian had mended a tear in the sleeve. “I wish to bring you a hot meal.”

Her tone brightened. “That would be heavenly.”

The gratitude in her voice made a shroud of guilt press upon him with a leaden weight. He’d imprisoned her, subjected her to living conditions well below what she’d doubtless been accustomed to, destroyed her future and taken her virtue. Vivian may have offered herself to him, but he was supposed to have been the older, wiser party, who was well aware of the consequences.

“Rhys?” She said as he pulled on his boots. “Do you regret what happened last night... or rather, this morning?”

His chest tightened like it was clamped in a vice. “That’s a rather complex question, I’m afraid.”

Her indrawn breath tugged at his soul as she looked up at him with wounded eyes. “D-did I displease you? I know I’m inexperienced... and—”

“No! You pleased me more than any woman has before.” Despite his better wisdom, Rhys crossed the cave and grasped her shoulders, bending down so they were face to face. “I do not regret making love with you. What I regret is the fact that I had no right to do so. I was supposed to leave you untouched.”

Vivian’s lips, swollen from his kisses, drew downward in a pout. “You speak as if I had no say in the matter. I asked you to touch me. It’s what I wanted, and I have no regrets.” She gripped his forearms and fixed him with a pleading gaze. “Please do not wallow in undeserved remorse because you think you’ve ruined me in some way. As I said before, I was already compromised, and I was already intending to remain unwed. Rather than taking from me, you’ve given me a gift. Moments of pleasure I could not have fathomed. I will cherish the memory forever, and welcome new ones this night if you are inclined to indulge me.”