He placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and led her onto the dance floor as the swells of the music began to play.

“The musicians are quite talented,” she said.

“Indeed. It makes for pleasant dancing.”

They were silent for a few measures of the music, moving together seamlessly across the floor.

“Your height makes you a perfect dance partner, Matilda.”

“Thank you.” She’d always felt her height was a nuisance, so it was nice to be complimented. She smiled up at him, but found him staring across the room with a frown. Tilly turned her head to see what had bothered him so and found his brother, Sullivan, leaning against the wall. “What troubles you, Thomas?”

He glanced down at her. “I’m frustrated with my brother. It isn’t anything you need worry yourself with.”

“Perhaps not, but it is often helpful to express your frustrations to a friend.”

He exhaled slowly. “Too true. As you know, when my older brother passed two years ago, I took over managing the estates.”

Tilly nodded. The eldest Chase brother, Roderick, had died in a shooting accident. The entire family had taken it hard, especially Thomas. Now she gave Thomas’s shoulder a sympathetic squeeze as they danced. “Yes. Because Sullivan was still away.”

“Exactly.” Thomas slanted her a doleful smile.

With Roderick’s death, Sullivan had inherited the title, yet he had not returned from India right away, as expected. No, instead he continued to serve abroad for two more years. A highly unusual dereliction of his duties that Tilly had never understood.

“Ever since Sullivan has returned from the war,” Thomas continued, “he has done nothing to claim his duties as viscount and head of our family. I am still managing the books and properties.”

Indignation flared inside her, and she frowned in Sullivan’s direction. “He has been home for nearly sixteen months. That’s not right. He should be handling those things. Have you spoken to him about this?”

“I have tried, but my concerns fall on deaf ears. He seems to be interested only in enjoying the fruits of my labor, as it were.”

“How disappointing. And it must increase your worries tenfold. I am sorry you are enduring such trials.” Perhaps Thomas’s pleas went unheard, but she could certainly get Sullivan’s attention. She’d been a member of the Ladies of Virtue, a secret organization of women specially trained to deal with petty thieves and other nuisances on the streets of London, for the last four years.

It was her single greatest accomplishment and a source of pride. She took her duties with the group seriously. When Tilly’s friends and fellow members of the Ladies of Virtue suggested they take their skills to the ballrooms of London to reform the cads of the aristocracy of their sins, the seven deadly sins, they’d each selected one and then found the “gentleman” who personified that sin.

Until this moment, she’d not known whom she could address. Frankly, the very idea of reforming a gentleman in society held little appeal to her in comparison to ridding the streets of crime. So, until now, she hadn’t given much thought to which gentleman she should approach.But this conversation with Thomas cleared things up for her perfectly. Their waltz ended and Thomas led Tilly back to where she’d been standing before.

The time had come for her to confront her gentleman of choice,and for the first time in a long while, she felt a renewed sense of purpose.These last few months in particular, since the Ladies of Virtue had come under attack from an anonymous source.They were at risk of being exposed to the public, of having their identities discovered, theiractivitiesrevealed, and their reputations ruined. Lady Somersby—who ran the Ladies of Virtue and trained them—hadforbidden her from taking part in any of their regular activities.The months of inactivityhad been miserable for Tilly. Though, admittedly, she’d snagged a couple of children thieving. More than anything, she wanted to help them, rescue them from the direction their lives were headed. Working in secret, though,without the help of the other Ladies of Virtue,she hadn’t been able to come up with any clever solutionsfor how to rescue the street children from their lives of poverty and crime.

It was most frustrating.She wanted to help make London safer for its weakest citizens. Instead, she spent her days dancing at balls, dodging the flirtations of men she knew had no real interest in her. But if she could reform Sullivan, at least she would havesomething productive to occupy her time.

Nerves ate at her insides, simultaneously flooding her with apprehension and excitement. She could make a difference, at least in Thomas’s life. She shook her hands out in an effort to calm herself.

How was it she felt at ease confronting a pickpocket on the streets of London with nothing more than her parasol, but approaching Viscount Glenbrook left her feeling paralyzed with nerves? It wouldn’t even be that difficult to locate him. He had an uncanny ability to pop up wherever her friend Agnes was. Tilly couldn’t even blame him—Agnes’s beauty was unequaled. Although, now that Agnes was betrothed to the Earl of Westbrook—no, that wasn’t right. Now he was the Marquess of Longley, since his father passed away. In any case, Agnes and Glenbrook were friends despite her recent engagement. And she knew Sullivan was here. She’d seen him while she’d been dancing with his brother.

So when Tilly began to search the ballroom, she wasn’t overly surprised to find Glenbrook standing near Agnes. Nerves or not, she needed to do this. She gave herself a stern talking to, reminding herself that this, like any other task she’d been given within the Ladies of Virtue, was her responsibility. She’d made vows, and this was her duty.

It was time. She’d wasted enough on being nervous and whatever else was keeping her from confronting him. The man needed a good talking to, and she was precisely the woman to give it to him. Without another thought, she crossed the ballroom to reach his side. She greeted her friends, Agnes and Harriet, and their gentlemen.

Despite the fact that her sister was married to his brother and that they saw each other periodically at family events, things between her and Sullivan were strained. It had been years. Ever since that fateful night when she’d inadvertently told him her greatest secret. As far as she knew, he’d never told anyone about the night she’d foolishly poured her heart out to him believing he was Thomas.

She glanced up at Sullivan, met his dark chocolate gaze, and something warm unfurled in her belly. Indigestion, most likely. His arrogance was indeed nauseating. “Aren’t you going to ask me to dance, my lord?”

One perfectly groomed brow arched upward. “You wish to dance?” He tapped his chest. “With me?”

She lifted one shoulder in a shrug. She deliberately kept her eyes on him instead of looking at her friends and their, no doubt, shocked expressions. She rarely spoke to Sullivan, and when she did, she found it difficult to be kind. He made her nervous. One might think that would make her exceedingly cautious and overly friendly to him, but it had the opposite effect with her. He was too handsome, that was part of the problem. Experience had taught her, on many occasions, that the beautiful people of the world were typically self-centered and selfish. As a result, she found it hard to trust any interaction with him. any attention he paid to her was suspect—and he always seemed to pay her more attention than was strictly polite. Teasing her had become a pastime for him, and while Agnes claimed it was done in fun, Tilly couldn’t help but feel it was mean-spirited.

The fact that he blatantly stared at her and called her that offensive nickname only made matters worse. There was no telling what thoughts scurried through his mind as he looked upon her. She knew she was no beauty. She wasn’t ugly, per se. In fact, she had many attractive features, but all mixed together none of them seemed to match, which just left her looking…odd. Too tall, too freckled, eyes too big, hair a strange shade that was neither wholly brown nor red, and a gap between her front teeth.

His brown eyes traveled the length of her. No doubt he found her lacking. A fact that did not disturb her in the least. After all, if her lack of beauty disturbed him, she found his lack of moral fortitude equally disturbing.