He chuckled. “That’s quite Machiavellian of you, Mother.”
She smiled and lifted her shoulders in a delicate shrug. “I have my moments.”
“You’ll arrange this party with her, plan the entire ordeal?”
“Of course.”
“How long will it take?”
Her brow arched. “My, you are eager.” When he did not respond, she continued. “The party can begin a week from Thursday.”
He nodded.
“Meanwhile, you should brush up on your courtship methods.”
“I don’t know the first thing about courting a woman. I find the entire scenario useless.”
“Perhaps, but it is what we civilized people do. Besides, I do not think you don’t know how, but merely have forgotten.”
More like he’d realized the entire practice was a waste of effort. He’d courted Catherine for nearly six months, then she’d waited another six for him to heal after his accident. They’d exchanged letters during that time, and she’d assured him of her love. Yet she’d taken one look at his limp and cane and she’d bolted.
“What would you suggest I do to prove to Harriet my intentions are sincere?”
“Show an interest in her and things that are important to her. You have your skills with building and designing, certainly she has such things in her life.”
He nodded. She did, indeed, have such interests. Secret interests, in fact. He could use that to his advantage.
“Oliver, I am pleased by your choice, but need I remind you that had you simply accepted my suggestion several years ago, you and Harriet would already be married and with children.”
No, he didn’t need that reminder. He’d thought of little else except the fact that had he not been so damned stubborn, he could have spent the last six years with Harriet in his bed. But if he had done that, he might not have accomplished everything he had since then. “I needed to make that money myself. I don’t require a woman’s dowry. I still don’t. She can do what she wants with the money. I’ll tell her as much.”
His mother smiled. “I have no doubt you will.” She turned to go, then paused. “You should get a trim and shave your face. Harriet should see how handsome you are.”
He growled a response. He happened to like his beard, though he suspected his mother was right. About everything, it seemed. But she’d given him a brilliant plan to deliver Harriet straight into his bed, where she would stay every night for the rest of their lives.