Page 85 of Kismet

“Yes, it’s short for kismet.”

Nodding, he felt his love deepen just a little bit more. “We were always meant to be. We just had to find one another first.”

She pulled him down and kissed him thoroughly. “Thank you for loving me the way you do.”

“I’ve just gotten started.” He moved her hair over her shoulder. “And I will pull every star down from the sky to prove that you are the center of my universe.”

Kizzy barked, and they both looked down. “I guess she’s impressed by grand proclamations too.

“It never hurts to go above and beyond.”

She took his hand. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.” He followed her toward the house.

“Did you build that bench in your workshop for me?”

“Of course I did.” He took her hand and linked their fingers. “How else was I going to get you to hang out.”

“I guess it worked,” she replied with a laugh.

“It sure did,” he said quietly, knowing he was the luckiest man in the world.

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I’ve included a preview of Lucy and Linc’s book. I hope you enjoy the snippet of Tempted.

Preview Tempted

Life will occasionally demand your bravery.

It will also require your foolishness.

If you’re in the mood for a romantic tale with a quirky heroine, a sweetheart of an anti-hero, and a foul-mouthed parrot playing the part of cupid… you’re going to love this story.

Linc Hawker has retired from the Navy and put his emotional and spiritual house in order. He’s ready to find the last piece of his puzzle and thinks he just might’ve when he meets Haven’s bookstore owner… unless the beautiful book lady turns out to be the tornado that upends his life. Either way, it’s bound to be a good time.

Lucy Bennett barely survived the crash and burn of her last relationship and has decided to reset her life. She’s vowed to forgo shenanigans, men, and anything else that skates the edge of excitement, which regrettably will now have to include the inked-up anti-prince that just arrived in town. Digging deep into her lost well of resistance, she does everything she can to ignore his lethal good looks, enormous heart, and well-developed sense of chivalry.

And, yes, that works out about as well as you imagine.

See what happens when a bad boy and a book lady can’t resist temptation.

The road to love has a few twists and turns, but that doesn’t make this opposites-attract tale any less delicious. In fact, it makes it darn right addictive!


Lucy stood in the middle of her small bookstore and reluctantly admitted how very much she missed her old life. The thirty-day reset she had committed to was more challenging than anticipated, making her wonder if two weeks wouldn’t be a more reasonable option.

Stacking up rationalizations for a shorter stint like a pile of pancakes, she told herself things hadn’t beenthatout of control.