Page 77 of Kismet

Which one would win was hard to say.


Teague texted Tancy before jumping out of his truck and was glad he’d made the decision to drive to DC. Pulling his hat down, he ran across the wet parking lot as a crack of thunder filled the night sky. The late spring storm was wreaking havoc on flights, and he knew that having their reunion sooner rather than later would work in their favor.

He brushed raindrops off his Carhart jacket and cut through the crowd milling around on the sidewalk. Stepping into the bright airport, he looked around and didn’t see his beloved at their agreed meeting spot. He checked his phone, read her text filled with emojis, and strode toward the shops.


He turned toward the familiar voice and watched Tancy run in his direction. Her dark hair flew behind her, and he opened his arms just in time to catch her. Crushing her against his chest, he held her tightly. “Hey, babe.”

“You gave me my rom-com moment.”

Laughing, he shook his head. “How did I do that?”

“Most romantic comedies include a running through the airport scene.” She ran her hands over his face. “The love interests are reunited and agree that their love is bigger than any hurdle they’ll face. Love wins while sweeping orchestral music plays.”

“Is that what’s happening with us?”

“Of course.” She frowned and looked around. “Too bad there was no film crew to capture the magical moment.”

“Do you want to do it again? I’m sure that I can get someone to film our reunion, and I bet I can find something on Spotify that would work for the soundtrack.”

She moved close enough, so there’s shoes were touching. “No. I just want to look at your handsome face. It’s been a couple of days, and I need to soak you in for a minute.”

“Same.” He cupped her cheek. “I missed you.”

“That’s good to hear, given we’ve been discussing a future together. If you’d enjoyed our time apart, a chance at having more than a little tryst would be impossibly small.”

“Good thing that’s nothing we need to worry about.” He hugged her tightly and buried his nose in her hair. “I want to spend our days together pressed so tightly that we don’t know whose heart is thumping harder, and I’m unsure if the sweat on my chest is yours or mine.” He lifted his head and held her gaze. “A love so deep that it makes the Grand Canyon jealous.”

“Damn, Teague. When you play the romantic hero, you don’t mess around.”

“I sure don’t.”

“And in case you were wondering, I think all the seven wonders will be absolutely green with envy when we’re done with them.”

“That’s the kind of attitude that will do our union good.”

She kissed his cheek. “Let’s get out of here. We have a long drive home.”

“We’re staying in town. I booked a room so we can have our reconciliation in a fancy hotel.”

“We’re we broken up?” She leaned back. “I hate when I miss the important developments in our relationship.”

“We had a bump, and now we’re going to smooth it out on five million thread count sheets.”

She ran her hands through his hair. “I might not avoid every bump in the future if that’s how we fix things.”

“Or we could get the fancy sheets for the house and pretend like we had a fight, then have makeup sex.”

“I suppose.”

“That is about as lackluster a response as I’ve ever heard.”

“It wouldn’t be my first choice for an evening of role-playing.” She patted his chest. “But we’re equal opportunity, and if that’s what gets your motor running, then so be it. We can just put my…”

He pressed his thumb against her mouth. “Let’s not share every detail of our sex life with the public.”