“Black ops are boring.”
A rough morning laugh fell out of her mouth. “I need a vat of coffee before you share the gory details.”
“Is there any chance of some french toast this morning?”
Nathan’s big brown eyes stared into her soul, and for a second, she was thrown back in time to when they were little. He’d often ask if they were going to be okay, and she would always answer with a yes, despite the fact she wasn’t sure. There wasn’t a thing she wouldn’t do for her baby brother, including making his favorite breakfast at the ungodly hour of six am. “Of course.” She pushed herself into a sitting position. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen in ten minutes.”
“Thanks, sis.”
She blew him a kiss and watched him duck so he could avoid it. “Someday, one is going to land.”
“Keep dreaming, fancy Tancy.”
Believe me, I plan on it. She shuffled to the bathroom and hoped Nathan hadn’t burned any crucial bridges because aggravating the gray side of the government could be so problematic.
“That was a record, even for you.” Tancy took the last piece of French toast off the plate before her brother could snag it. “I’m saving you from yourself.”
“I doubt it.” He mopped the last drops of syrup off his plate with a piece of sausage and then popped it into his mouth. “Where’s Teague? Did he piss you off already?” He made a show of looking out the kitchen window. “I hope he’s not buried in the backyard.”
“For your information, he’s at his family’s farm.”
Nathan picked up his coffee mug. “You made him run away from home already?”
“Yes.” She got up, refilled her panda coffee cup, and leaned against the sink. “I did my usual exemplary work and scared him off.”
“Not surprising.”
“Tell me about it.” She added milk to her cup. “Truth be told, I don’t mind the break.”
“Uh oh, what does that mean?”
She returned to the table and sat. “I need a minute to get my mind right. My client’s husband waved a gun around yesterday.”
“I’m guessing it was pointed at you.”
“And his ex-wife.” She rubbed her finger over the rim of her cup. “Teague was frustrated that I pushed my client behind me and put myself in danger. And surprisingly, had a lot to say about my choices and staying in my lane.”
“Always the protector.”
She hitched her shoulder. “What can I say? All that early training stuck.”
“I don’t know how you do it, sis. You’re sitting there with nary a twitch or tremor and discussing what I assume was a somewhat harrowing experience like it was a day at the mall.”
“My powers of disassociating are well developed, and right now, I’m happy to leave the incident in the back of my mind and not let it shove its way to the front. All is well that ends well.”
“Did Teague have something to do with the outcome?”
“Yes.” She closed her eyes. “He moved quickly enough to stop anything from happening.”
“Lucky you.”
Tracing the edge of her plate, she nodded. “I may need to speed up that lesson on minding my own business if I want to build something with Teague.”
“Is he throwing down ultimatums?”
“No, of course not. But seeing how my actions affected him has me rethinking a few things.”
“Probably not a bad idea.” He leaned back in his chair. “So, how do you manage not to get bogged down by stuff?”