“Flowers were involved as well as dancing.”
“Does that mean you’re ready to join my dance class?”
He grimaced. “Can’t we just dance in the kitchen? Or better yet, I could put twinkly lights on the gazebo, and we can dance under the moonlight.”
“I like both those options.”
Tilting his head, he studied her expression. “Are you sure? Because if you want to go to a club or something, just say the word.”
“Thank you for the offer, but I won’t drag you somewhere you’d hate. If I get the itch to shake my groove thing, I’ll just gather the girls and have a night out.”
“Don’t count me out, woman. If you’re shaking anything, then know I will be in attendance.”
“Good to know.” She patted his chest. “And I think we should court one another. Why should you have all the fun?”
“I think you courted me last night and again this morning.” Her cheeks flushed, and he tugged her close. “And I bet if I play my cards right, you might want to do it again tonight.” He kissed behind her ear and felt her shudder. “We could even go to dinner and flirt over candlelight before it happens.”
“That’s true.” She ran her finger over his arm, “Or we could do it at home and then go skinny dipping.”
“That sounds promising.”
“It’s a guaranteed good time.”
He kissed her again and tightened his hold. “It might be time to change the subject because the town is about ten seconds away from getting a visual confirmation that I’m head over heels in love with my woman.”
“Should we talk about animal adoption instead?”
Leaning back, he frowned. “That’s a hard left that I didn’t see coming.”
Tancy stepped away and smiled. “No one can redirect a jury quite like me.”
“I guess so.” He took her hand. “But just to circle back, real quick, what kind of animals are you wanting to adopt?”
“Highland cows.”
He groaned and covered his eyes. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
“We can discuss it later.” She bit her bottom lip. “Preferably when you're sated.”
“Are you going to sex me up until I agree with your cow dreams?”
“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”
He shook his head. “No. Not a bit.”
“Can I walk you to your office?”
“Of course.” She swung their hands back and forth and headed down the street. “What is on your agenda today?”
“I’m going to try and make some headway on the dining room table the Doris Finch commissioned. What time do we need to be at the courthouse tomorrow?”
“The hearing is at ten, but you don’t have to be there. The place is swarming with sheriffs, and I doubt Laura’s ex will do anything when there are so many witnesses.”
“This could be his last chance to make contact, so he’s probably feeling desperate. I’m not going to take any chances.”
“Alright.” She stopped in front of her office. “Laura’s returning to town with the girls today. Her parents drove in to help pack, and I hope David doesn’t see it as an opportunity to do something he’ll regret.”