Page 44 of Kismet

“Don’t tempt me. The woman could have his social security, blood type, and a list of identifying scars within the hour.” Faith stepped backward. “I’m staying in my work lane and putting my blinders on.” She blew a kiss and then headed toward the door. “I’ll call you from Miami.”

“Can’t wait.” She watched her friend disappear through the door and thought about temptation and men who read every word in your book.

Both were incredibly dangerous.

Teague turned off his sander and heard the back door of his studio open. Expecting to see Tancy, he was surprised when his brother strode through the door. “Hey, Kane. I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I’ll try not to take your disappointed look personally.” He made a show of looking around. “It’s quiet. Where are all your admirers?”

He waved his hand toward the large studio window. “I had a new film put on the windows. I can see out, but no one can see in, and like my sign says, it’s by appointment only.”

“No shit.” Kane ambled to the front of the large space and nodded. “Seems extreme, but I guess it makes sense since you only create pieces by commission.”

“I don’t much care for the public and don’t see the need to have a bunch of uncomfortable conversations. Or have someone get the wrong idea.” He set his sander on the workbench. “I’m taken and don’t want to waste my time explaining that to people.”

“Taken?” Kane arched his brow. “So you two have decided to go for it?”

“One hundred and fifty percent.” He didn’t fight the smile that wanted to break free. “It’s been six days, and something I never expected to find is giving men more happiness than I thought possible.”

“Wow.” Kane returned to his brother’s side. “Good for you.”

“My chest is filled with contentment, and I’m doing nothing to chase it away.” He shook his head. “It scares the hell out of me because now I can’t imagine living without it. But I guess that’s the price I have to pay to have someone so incredibly precious in my life.”

“She’s been there for a while. Why does it feel so different?”

“I’m not sure.” He pulled a stool out and sat. “Except that she’s mine now. In every sense.” He ran his hand through his hair. “It’s like that passage from the Little Prince. What made his rose so precious was that it was his alone.”

“There’s that poet.” Kane slapped him on the shoulder. “I’m glad you’ve found a safe place to set down your sword and let the other side of your soul see the light.”

“Is that what’s happening?”

“I believe so, brother.” He tilted his head. “You look different. What did you do?”

“I got myself a girlfriend.” He ran his hand over his face. “Which means that I have a nightly skincare routine. Apparently, washing my face with two-in-one shampoo isn’t acceptable. I now have serums that Tancy lovingly smooths into my skin every night.”

“I didn’t recognize half the words you just uttered.”

“My girlfriend has taken it upon herself to upgrade my life in many ways. I have a green smoothie every morning before my coffee and towels that don’t scratch. Apparently, life is too short to have cheap crap. She bought bamboo towels and high thread count sheets from Costco, and I feel like I’m living in a five-star resort.”

“Love me, a woman who likes to care for her man.”

Nodding, he thought of all the ways she showed her feelings. “She gives me a soft spot to land. I’ve never had that, and I can’t begin to describe how powerful it is. If she’s not hugging me, she’s holding my hand or running her fingers through my hair.” That shit is potent, and I can honestly say I’ve never experienced anything so addictive.”

“I’m happy for you. It’s much deserved.”

“Thanks, man.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Enough about that. You didn’t stop by to hear an update about my love life. What’s up?”

“Rorke needs me for a security gig. It will take me out of the country for at least a week, and I need you to stop in and check on the farm. The young caretaker Mom and Dad hired has it mostly handled, but leaving him to his own devices for too long is probably a bad idea.”

“No problem. I’ll stop by every couple of days and ensure Dolly hasn’t forgotten you.”

“The cow isn’t in love with me.”

“And yet she follows you around and makes those lovesick moos.”


Teague chuckled. “Can you give me any intel on where you’re headed?”