Page 35 of Kismet

“Something I will be forever grateful for.”

She rested her hand against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. “Did you really see me in your future when we first met?”

“Yes. Not that I could do anything about it since I was hip-deep in black ops.” He covered her hand. “But when we both returned to Greenville, bought our aunt’s houses, and became neighbors, I knew kismet was on my side.”

“Are you saying providence worked its magic and made it impossible for us not to become acquainted?”

“Yes.” He turned the ring on her finger. “Despite the rough place we were both in, we forged a bond.”

“I never looked at it that way, but it’s an accurate description.” She moved closer. “I think we sort of saved each other by agreeing to keep an eye on one another.”

“We sure as hell did. I knew that hauling myself out of the house despite my dark place was necessary. If I didn’t make sure you were eating something other than cookie dough and taking a shower at least once a week, your aunt would’ve had to come across town.”

“And I would’ve never abandoned my couch if I didn’t think irritating you would do some good. Thankfully it didn’t take much effort on my part to make you more mad than sad.” She snickered. “I timed it once and discovered fifteen minutes was all it took.” She watched his smile falter. “What?”

“A part of me wondered if we’d ever get here.” He folded her hand in his. “You see me like no one ever has. When I was at my lowest, you didn’t run away. You hunkered down, stuck to me like glue, and acted like my raging PTSD was no big deal.”

“It was a big deal, but not in the way you think.” She filled her lungs with air. “I couldn’t let you pay the price for your years of service alone. The Navy owed you more, and so does everyone who never had to think about what war costs our service members.”

“Damn.” He kissed her head. “To be that patriotic and not come from a military family.”

She pursed her lips. “The people who take on the most difficult and thankless jobs rarely receive enough accolades, appreciation, or pay. And quite frankly, it pisses me off.”

“An attitude, I admire the hell out of.”

She chuckled. “I’m going to get off my soap box and try and remember that we’re at a wedding.” She pulled her cake closer. “I’ve forgotten how to be a good party guest.”

“No, you haven’t.” He kissed her gently. “Everyone probably thinks we’re uttering sweet nothings and figuring out what dirty thing we’ll try first.”

“Really?” She looked around and noticed no one was paying attention. “I think you’re the only one thinking about it.”

He smirked. “And you’re not?”

“I have a comprehensive list, so my homework is done.”

A crack of laughter fell out of his mouth. “I knew being with an A student was a good idea.”

“In so many ways.” She kissed his cheek. “Because I’ll stop at nothing to ensure that I perform above and beyond what’s expected.”

“Lucky, lucky me.”


“You are immeasurable, Tancy, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

“Me too.” She played with the cuff of his shirt. “It’s just that…”

“I’m not pressuring you.” He dipped his head so they were eye to eye. “I’d never do that.”

“I know.” She rolled her shoulders. “I haven’t been in a relationship in a very long time, and I don’t want to be a disaster when we find our way to the bedroom.”

He took her face in his hands. “If you and I are naked, I’m calling it a win. Whatever we do or don’t is fine, and I have no expectations.”

“Well, I do,” she said with a sharp laugh. “I want the full feral show and won’t be satisfied until we’re nothing more than a pile of bite marks and contentment.”

“Bite marks?”

“Yes!” She kissed him and drug his bottom lip against her teeth. “And I’d be thrilled if we lack manners when it happens.”