“Thank you.” Hayle led Tancy toward the coffee shop. “I just finished a home visit with a woman interested in becoming a foster parent. If her background check clears, she could become my saving grace because she is willing to take teenagers.”
“That would be amazing. You’re a social service rockstar.”
“Hardly,” Hayle replied quietly. “I’m just a small cog in a large and somewhat inefficient machine.” She squeezed her friend’s hand. “That slum landlord case you just won was damn impressive.”
“Thanks, but we both know that the story’s real hero is our local tech billionaire. I might’ve decimated the weasel in court, but Mason bought the building and financed the repairs. If he hadn’t come in with his big checkbook, the tenants would’ve had to find new housing.”
“You’ve got to love a generous billionaire.”
“Maybe I should set you two up.”
“Why?” Hayle asked with a snort. “I’m the one with the matchmaking side hustle.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean you can snatch one of your clients for yourself, does it?”
“I’m not sure how the company views it since I’m a part-time consultant.” She waved her hand. “Not that it matters since I’ve decided to embrace my singleness.”
“Okay, but if you change your mind, Mason could be perfect. He’s a muscly nerd with a snarky sense of humor.”
“Speaking of fit nerds, where has your brother disappeared to? I have three lovely candidates that would love to meet him. I’ve left him several messages and texts with no response.”
“The last I heard, he was going to meet your cousin Birch and see if a career in black ops was possible.”
“Well, that’s disappointing. Men who have deadly day jobs are so difficult to match.”
“I can imagine.” They arrived at the coffee shop, and Tancy held the door open. Once they were inside the inviting space, she let the fragrance of freshly roasted coffee wake up her afternoon brain. “Just put him on the bottom of the list until he comes to his senses.” They strode toward the counter, and she waved to the charming owner. “Hey, Christy.”
“Hello, beauties. Who needs to come to their senses?”
“My brother,” Tancy said flatly. “He’s off pursuing something ill-advised.”
“That’s unfortunate,” Christy said as she rearranged a basket filled with baseball-sized cookies. “He’s so handsome, and I was hoping he’d stick around for a while.”
“Several women in town feel the same way,” Hayle added. “Maybe his adventures won’t pan out, and he’ll be back in Greenville soon.”
“I hope so,” Christy said with a sigh. “Anyway, what would you ladies like?”
“The usual,” Tancy and Hayle chorused.
“And put it on my tab,” Tancy said before Hayle could insist otherwise. Looking up at the chalkboard, she snickered. “Who decided that should be the question of the day?”
“I like it.” Hayle unbuttoned her jacket and read the query. “If you were stuck on an island, who would you want with you.”
“I can’t wait to hear your answer,” Christy replied. “I’ve heard some doozies today.”
“This is an easy one,” Tancy said confidently. “The first person I’d bring is someone who has failed a class. Don’t give me the gifted or talented. Because if you’ve never looked a test dead in the eye and had no idea what to put down, we are not getting across that swamp.”
“Damn, Tanc. You have given this some thought.”
She preened a little. “The next person would have to be Ms. Granger from the post office. She hates me and means business. She would get us off that island if, for no other reason than she can’t stand being around me.”
Hayle nodded. “It’s true. She visibly flinches every time you walk in.”
“Who else?’ Christy asked, leaning forward.
“The third person would have to be a theater kid. They would provide the disassociation while we hang off a cliff. Doom could be upon us, and they would sing about finally finding their inner voice.”
“The last person would have to be someone with a bus license,” Hayle stated. “Or knows how to drive one because there’s never been a successful escape scene without someone jumping behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle.”