Page 15 of Kismet

“On a date?” she asked with a laugh.”

Scanning her wide eyes, he tried to gauge what kind of trouble she was stirring up. “What?”

“It was a joke.” She took the empty seat next to him. “And you didn’t have to look so horrified.” She moved an empty bottle away. “I’m trying to keep my vibe positive, and that won’t happen if you treat me like I’m a leper.”

“Why did you bring your vibe to the bar anyway?” He looked around, noticing several men give Tancy hopeful smiles. “You’re not trolling for candidates, are you?”

“What if I was,” she replied with a huff. “It’s not like long-term celibacy is my life plan.”

Not comfortable with Tancy putting herself out there, he glared at a man looking at her like she was a seven layer cake. When the guy scurried away, he nodded.Damn right.

Tancy washisfriend, and sharing wasn’t something he’d ever do willingly. He quartered the bar again and ensured no one else was getting any ideas. Feeling her fidget at his side, he looked over. “What’s up?”

“I need your help.”

“Is it the kind that involves digging a hole and getting rid of corpses?”

“No!” Laughing, she leaned closer. “I’ve done a bit of forced self-reflection and realize that I should’ve put myself out there instead of putting you on blast.”

“Did your friends do the forcing?”

“A little bit. My brother also mentioned something about me meddling in other people’s lives, so I can avoid admitting that I’m in a rut.” She looked up. “I’m sorry, Teague.”

He covered her hand. “Thanks for the apology.”

“Forgiven?” she asked.


“Good.” She pushed her hair over her shoulder. “Because parts of me are atrophied, and if I don’t do something, they could stay that way.”

Head spinning, he scrabbled along the slick slides of her conversational sharp turns. “I’m afraid to ask what that means.”

Tancy dropped her shoulders. “Hayle was talking about getting booty called, and I realized that I can’t remember what enjoyable sex feels like.”


“Forget life changing and mind altering. Just plain old run-of-the-mill sex is a distant memory that is far too hazy.”

Moving closer, he knew with complete certainty that he needed to be the one to provide all the revelatory orgasms she could stand. “What exactly are you saying?”

“I should do something about my personal life and need your help.” She waved a hand. “I helped you and sent a lot of lovely candidates your way. And I’d appreciate it if you could talk to some of your friends and find me one or two contenders. Hayle said she would add me to her matchmaking roster, but I thought I could kick things off tonight.”

“You want me to set you up?”

“Don’t shout.” She covered his mouth. “This is embarrassing enough as it is.”

He ignored the flash of raw desire her touch produced and slid her hand away. “The answer to your question is no.”


“Because I don’t want to.”

“That’s it?” she asked, cutting him with an impatient glance. “I know altering your hardwiring is just about impossible, but could you try?”

He caught sight of a man approaching and marked his territory with an angry snarl. “You have me, so there’s no need to muck up the waters.” He watched her pulse pound against her neck as irritation marred her beautiful honey eyes. “What I meant to say is…” Honestly, he had no idea what he meant to say. Other than he’d never in a million years help her find a man to date.

“Fine.” Tancy popped off the stool. “Don’t help. I will just find someone else.”