Page 86 of Kismet

Had there been one or five public outbursts she regretted? Of course!

She wasn’t a robot after all, and anyone who found themselves twisted up with the town’s prince of bad behavior would’ve done the same thing.

At least, she assumed that’s how someone with a modicum of self-respect would behave… but then again, she wasn’t all that proficient at predicting human behavior.

But enough about that bad business; she was on the right track now and behaving so well that a run for public office wasn’t entirely out of the question.

Unfortunately, the perfect comportment was beyond boring, and she was well on her way to drowning in the doldrums.

Perhaps there was some sort of middle ground she could inhabit. Tapping her nails against the wide belt of her dress, she tried to formulate ideas that would allow her to escape the rinse and repeat cycle she was trapped in.

Affairs of the heart certainly weren’t an option since that caused the most recent kerfuffle in the first place. An adventure in a far-flung locale where tropical drinks were served, and international spies were more common than flies could be an option. Was a side hustle in the espionage game just what she was looking for?

Sighing, she immediately dismissed the idea since she’d never been able to fly under the radar, and her secret-keeping skills were sketchy at best. Two things that were likely vital if one were flying across international datelines with government secrets.

Perhaps she should have another go at gaining admission into the Haven Ladies’ Society. They hadn’t outright refused her the last time she inquired, so there could very well be an opening she hadn’t yet exploited. No one under fifty had ever been admitted, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be the first. A small thrill coursed through her veins, and she knew that joining the group could be the perfect answer to her burgeoning boredom.

Was it important to be completely clear on the dirty details of the righteous acts the women participated in? Absolutely not! She would happily go along with whateveractivitiesthe group decided to engage in.

Perhaps she could offer to babysit her mother’s horrible bird in exchange for a ringing endorsement or see if she could get her grandmother snockered enough to agree to sponsor her application. She let out a gust of disgust and knew that neither scenario was likely. She’d already tried to coerce them into supporting her application and had gotten exactly nowhere.

Unable to come up with another possibility, she ambled toward the front of the store and watched the sun move across the front window. When it hit the display of craft books, she noticed how much dust had accumulated and decided a little housekeeping was in order. She picked up a pink duster, flicked it over the tower dedicated to all things creative, and noticed the beguiling cover of a book about beading. Would a glue gun and a bedazzler keep her sufficiently entertained until something more delicious came along? Perhaps a hobby would cure her lassitude. She popped the book open and perused the pages, noticing several appealing projects. There was nothing she loved better than a bit of bling, and this particular craft offered all kinds of intriguing possibilities. She moved on to a tome about macramé and pictured a knot-filled future. Being able to truss something orsomeoneup was a skill that could not be underestimated. Perhaps she should give both a go and see which one was a better fit.

Before deciding if a third option was necessary, she heard her name and glanced up, seeing her best friend. “Hello, gorgeous Gigi. What brings you by today?”

“My computer is sluggish, and I’m hoping you have a book that will teach me how to fix it.”

“Why don’t you callhe who shall not be namedto take a look?”

Gigi twisted her mouth into disapproval. “I would rather stick one of your stilettos in my eye than put a penny in that man’s coffer.”

Lucy snapped the macramé book closed. “I appreciate the loyalty but want you to know I’m no longer stoking that particular fire of condemnation.” She straightened the stack of books. “If you need tech support, go ahead and schedule an appointment.”

“Really? I thought we were about to pour gas on your righteous anger and see if we could burn everything in its path.”

Lucy took a moment to enjoy a picture of what that could look like and then reluctantly pushed it away. “I cannot allow myself to indulge in yummy revenge.” As she tapped her chin, a smile formed slowly. “Unless the Haven Ladies’ Society lets me in and makes it a part of my initiation.”

Gigi snorted. “You have another twenty years before that becomes possible.”

“They didn’t give me an absolute no the last time I inquired.”

“And they didn’t give you an application either.”

“Things change, and for all we know, they could be at the precipice of allowing in younger women.”

“We don’t need those old birds to back us up,” Gigi said confidently. “You and I have all the brain power and creativity necessary for crafting the perfect plan.”

“Ken doesn’t deserve our attention, and we should save our creativity for something worthwhile.” Seeing Gigi’s shoulders slump made her momentarily regret her vow to live a more spiritual life. There was nothing her best friend liked less than having proper payback ripped from her hands, and she couldn’t blame her.

“Are you certain?” Gigi asked hopefully. “His light stalking and new habit of driving past the store several times a day shouldn’t be ignored.”

“If the man wants to waste time and gas, then so be it.” Lucy glanced at the book on beading. “I’m about to take up some interesting hobbies and can’t be distracted by the lothario of Haven behaving badly.”

“Fine,” Gigi huffed. “Just know that the moment you’re done with this,” she waved her hand, “prudish view of justice, I’ll be ready.”

“I appreciate it but don’t want to give you false hope.” Lucy gave her friend a warm smile and told herself that no slope was slippery enough for her to slide into public displays of distress. Her days of losing her cool in front of half the town were behind her, and she didn’t plan on providing cheap entertainment anytime soon.

“Just know that the moment you buy a day-old birthday cake from the market, I will intervene.” She tucked a springy curl behind her ear. “In the strongest manner possible.”