Page 60 of Kismet

She squeezed Wanda’s arm. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t take it on.”

“Don’t worry, honey. Life has a way of giving you just what you need.”

She nodded and then headed toward the deli, thinking about what life was trying to put on her plate. On the one hand, she had a man who could easily become the love of her life if he wasn’t already. And on the other, she had a professional opportunity that would allow her to balance the scales.

Groaning, she wished that she’d been given an easier choice.

Teague knew something was off with Tancy but had no idea what it could be. She’d been quiet during dinner and hadn’t commented on the show they were watching even once. A rare and somewhat disturbing development since she believed that adding her two cents was all but necessary. He hit pause on the remote and looked down. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“The show?” she asked, sitting up.

“No. Something is on your mind, and I’d be happy to be your sounding board if you want.” He watched her brows knit together. “Or we could just relax and save it for tomorrow.”

She pushed herself to her feet. “Would you like some ice cream?”

“Sure.” He watched her walk away and guessed that whatever had her out of sorts wasn’t about work. His gut started churning, and he wondered if she was having second thoughts about committing to a relationship. Maybe she was spooked and didn’t know how to tell him that she needed some space.

Preparing himself for a challenging discussion, he followed Tancy into the kitchen. Once he stepped into the bright room, he realized that her colorful, chaotic house was now preferable to the monk-like space he had created. Something he never would’ve guessed was possible.

He walked over to the open shelves he’d installed the previous year and noticed her tiger collection had been moved to the second shelf. Rearranging them mindlessly, he hoped that whatever she had to tell him wouldn’t blow his dreams to kingdom come. “Go ahead and rip off the band-aid.” He accepted the bowl of ice cream she handed him. “I can take it, whatever it is.”

“What are you talking about?”

He sat at the kitchen table. “Something is bothering you, and I’m guessing it’s relatively serious since you love the show we were watching.” He watched her mouth pinch together. “If you’re feeling suffocated, just tell me. I know you like to have your alone time to putter and do your beauty treatments. I’m not expecting to spend every night together.”

She quirked her head. “I feel like your projecting. I’m the anxiously attached person, not the avoidant one. Maybe you need your space.”

“I’m not avoiding anything.” He put his hands flat on the table. “And I don’t think this is about our alleged attachment styles but something else entirely.”

“You might be right.” She joined him at the table. “Though talking about how we attach might be a good idea at some point.”

“I’m happy to do that any time.” He reached across the table and covered her hand. “I want to be securely attached and as far up in your business as possible.”

“Is that a euphemism?”

“No. But if you like it to be, let me know.” A smile broke across her face. “Are you ready to tell me what’s really going on?”

She traced the pandas decorating her sweatpants and then sighed. “Did I ever tell you about the case that set me into a tailspin?”

“In general terms. It was a class action suit against a drug manufacturer, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. The same company has pulled another stunt, and my old mentor has invited me to join the team.”

He stared at his bowl of ice cream. “An offer like that is almost impossible to resist since it would give you another shot at setting things right.” He watched as she slipped her hand away. “When are you leaving?”

“I haven’t decided anything.” She looked past his shoulder and then frowned. “What are my tigers doing?”

“Making sure the species doesn’t go extinct.”

She shook her head. “Why would you assume I’m going to jump on the first plane back to the capital? Do you want to get rid of me?”

“No!” He stood and started pacing. “Were you listening to what I just said?”

“Of course.” She rubbed her head. “I’m spinning out a little.”

“I would never keep you from pursuing a dream, Tanc. That’s not my style, and the last thing I’d want to do is make your life smaller.”

“What if this relationship is my dream?”