“No way! Did you really find a way to make laundry fold itself?”
“The other dream.” He kissed her head. “I thought we could get started on your list and check out some windsurfing schools. I have a couple bookmarked, so we could look at one or two today while we're in Duck.”
“That would be terrific.”
He leaned back. “You’re face is saying something else.”
“I can’t decide if I’m more scared or excited.”
He traced the line forming between her brows. “Any idea which one has the upper hand?”
“No.” Stepping back, she picked up her cup. “I’m a daredevil in my mind but an overly cautious, scaredy cat in my heart.”
“Well, let’s do a sneak and peek and see if it’s something we should add to our list.”
“Is that SEAL language for check it out?”
“Yes,” he said with a laugh.
“Thanks for not making fun of me. Sometimes my mouth writes checks that my body can’t cash. I love the idea of skating across the waves at breakneck speeds, but the reality of being whipped around like a rag doll in an angry ocean may be more than my chicken heart can handle.”
“I’m never going to mock or disparage you in any way. I want to hear every farfetched idea or the half-baked notion that sparks your interest. Let’s be in the dream-making business, not the vision-killing one. We’re both creative, so who knows what we can come up with.”
She took his hand and shook it firmly. “Deal. And I expect to hear about yours as well.”
“They all include you, so prepare yourself.”
“Are we naked in many of them?”
Snorting, he shook his head. “What do you think?”
She set her coffee cup down and smiled confidently. “You’re going to have to catch me first.”
He watched her spin on her heel and run out of the kitchen. Laughing, he counted to five before he took off after her. Monday mornings with Tancy were better than he ever could’ve imagined.
Tancy sat with Laura on the little patio in front of her room and watched Teague play tag with the girls. “They seem to be holding up.”
“All the counselors didn’t lie when they said that kids are resistant. This is an adventure for them, and they are now convinced that we should live at the beach year around.”
“Can you blame them? She studied the sparkling waves and the big puffy clouds on the horizon. “I have every reason to be optimistic about the ruling we’ll receive on Friday. David’s attempt to run us off the road several weeks ago provides the perfect cherry on the sundae of a long history of threats. I think the judge will grant you both physical and legal custody and agree to the bifurcation. We have more than enough evidence to support our request for orders, and you could have your life back very soon.”
Laura nodded, folding her hands tightly together. “I appreciate everything you’ve done and know that we might not be alive if you hadn’t insisted on getting us out of Greenville. Unfortunately, that life we had is no longer available. It’s changed forever because David will never walk away peacefully.”
“He’s not going to have a choice if we receive the ruling we’ve asked for.” She crossed her legs. “I wish I could do more, but the only thing I can give you is the legal right to leave the state with your girls and get as far away as possible.”
“I’m incredibly grateful. Please don’t get me wrong.”
“I know.” She heard the girl’s laughter cut across the open beach as Teague cut sideways as avoided the much dreaded tag. “What is your next move?”
“My parents live in Arizona and want us to come live with them. I haven’t always had the easiest relationship with them, but I know it’s the best chance the girls and I have to get back on our feet.”
“It doesn’t have to be forever.”
“That’s what I keep telling myself.” Laura hunched her shoulders. “No one ever thinks this is a possibility when they get married. I know that I certainly didn’t. David hid all his worst qualities until we were legally bound to one another.”
“I’m not going to pretend to know what you're going through, but I think you’re incredibly strong. You’ve done everything you can to protect your girls, and they have a future because of you.”
“Thanks for the pep talk, but I’m doing what any mother would. Especially after picking the worst man to be their father.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I can’t wait until Friday. I’m ready to move forward and start building a life that my girls will be proud of.”