Page 40 of Kismet

She was no longer an unmitigated disaster, and he wasn’t a man struggling daily with vicious PTSD.

She raked her eyes over the slab of muscles covering his body and the ink that decorated his skin and knew that he was just about on the other side of his journey. A feat that was achieved solely because of his mental toughness and humility.

Good Lord, I sound like the president of his fan club.

Rolling on her back, she knocked him off the imaginary pedestal and reminded herself that he had zero appreciation for the many treasures she found while thrifting. In fact, he often scoffed at the little ceramic animals she was so fond of and moved them into compromising positions when she wasn’t looking. Something that made her laugh and wonder how extensively he’d studied the Kama Sutra.

The man definitely kept her entertained and was, by any measure, a total catch. Not only was he a gifted lover, a fierce protector, and a devoted friend, but he was lionhearted.

Covering her eyes, she forbade herself from writing a sonnet and begging Ariella to make him the inspiration for her next novel. Was this what it felt like when you fell head over heels for your friend? She felt the bed dip as a heavy arm dropped across her stomach. “Good morning.”

“It sure as hell is.” Pulling her into his arms, he buried his nose in her neck. “We should wake up like this every day.”

She moved into his embrace. “Naked?”

“And tangled up,” he added.

“I guess it’s not the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” She ran her hand through his hair. “And if you promise to…”

“Oh, I’ll definitely be hitting all the notes before our feet touch the floor.”

She took his face in her hands. “Who are you? You’re saying lovely things and have yet to grunt or snarl.”

“I am a man who finally got what he wanted.”

“Finally? So you really have been thinking about this happening for a while.”

He ran a string of kisses along her collarbone. “I think the phrase healthy preoccupation wouldn’t be too off the mark.”

“Damn.” She traced the intricate tattoo on his shoulder. “I could’ve had access to all this yumminess sooner?”

“Yes, but we both know neither of us was ready.” Pressing his thumb against her lower lip, he shook his head. “When you announced that you wanted to put yourself out there, I knew it was time to do something and show you how I felt.”

He pressed their mouths together, and she felt a ripple of need skitter across her skin. A potent mixture of lust and affection filled her body. “I think you lit a fire last night that will be hard to put out.”

Emitting a low laugh, he pulled her flush against his body. “I plan on stoking the hell out of that little blaze, so it never burns out.”

“Does that mean we can say sayonara to the restrained and somewhat grumbly Teague and say hello to expressive and deliciously affectionate Mr. Moriarty?”

“If you keep looking at me like that, then yes.” He pulled her leg up. “Because your gaze suggests that several things I want to do will be welcomed.”

“Oh, they are definitely welcomed.” His fingers brushed her skin in a caress so gentle that she could barely feel it. “I wasn’t expecting the tenderness. She covered his hand. “You touch me with such reverence as though I’m something incredibly precious.”

“You are, Tancy.”

She closed her eyes. “I’ve long known that words can break things but wasn’t quite convinced that the right ones had the power to…”

“Begin the build the kind of connection that could withstand anything?”

Unable to respond with words, she pressed her cheek to his chest and listened to his heartbeat, knowing it was the steadiest sound in the world.

Teague returned to their room and was disappointed to see an empty bed. “Room service.”

“Be out in a minute,” Tancy called from the bathroom.

He set the coffee on the small table and then collapsed into the soft wing chair. Feeling incredibly relaxed, he stretched his arms over his head and replayed the previous twenty-four hours. No doubt about it, he and Tancy were matched in all the important ways. Something he’d long suspected was possible given her take no prisoners mentality.

The woman didn’t believe in half measures, and he was ready to show her that he didn’t either. He was done playing it safe and prepared to embrace their new chapter.