Page 31 of Kismet

“Whatever.” He gave her a once over. “You’re acting weird, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think that all Ariella’s talk about unresolved chemistry and clouds of sexual tension has gotten to you.”

“I wasn’t the one who started the day out smoldering and heavy-lidded.” She looked over when he didn’t respond and felt their gazes lock.

A stare-off.

A stand-off.

A silent push-pull.

She’d go blind before she’d give in.

“Do you…” He moved closer.

Tancy inhaled his warm, masculine scent, feeling the air around them crackle. “What?”

“Think kissing is a bad idea?”

“I want to say yes,” she whispered, “but can’t seem to.” Teague’s lids drifted lower and his full mouth curved into a slow smile. She wasn’t sure if she should punch him in the arm or grab his face. Both seemed reasonable, with the second offering a hell of a lot more pleasure.

Silently accepting that she would finally have answers, she watched his mouth descend. Closing the distance, she pressed their mouths together.


His lips were like velvet, and the scratch of his rough beard against her skin made goosebumps erupt. Shivering, she felt both icy cold and burning hot. Surprised by the gentleness as well as his uncompromising hold, she felt desire skid along her limbs in a shocking pulse. It was definitely more than lust cutting through her control. It was profound and a great deal more troublesome.

Slowly pulling away, she let out a slow breath.

“Was that a dreamy sigh?” he asked with a laugh.

“It might’ve been.” Covering her eyes, she heard a purely masculine sound. A chest-deep groan of pleasure filled the room right before he lifted her hands and pressed his warm mouth against her lips. Heart thrumming wildly, she slid her hands along his jaw and returned his ardor. How did the man make her feel like a chocolate bar left in the sun?

Fearful that she would never want to leave the room if they continued, she ended the kiss and sat up abruptly. “We should get ready for the wedding.” She popped off the bed like a jack in the box and scurried toward the bathroom. Once behind the closed door, she flipped on the water and pressed her hand to her lips.

Was there a proper way to prepare oneself to take on the most significant risk of their life?

Tancy stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a luxurious robe and saw Teague standing beside the window with impatience coloring his rugged features.


It was the only word she could come up with. He wore a fitted black suit with a crisp white dress shirt open at the throat. His black leather shoes were polished to a mirror shine, and his wavy hair had been brushed back against his scalp with the unruly ends curled against his collar.

Breathtaking. He was nothing less than a dangerous beast disguised in gentleman’s clothing. “You’re already dressed.”

“Was it that horrible?”

She walked into the room. “What are you talking about?”

“The kiss. Did you hate it that much?”

“Of course not!” She joined him at the window that looked out over the charming town. “It was…”


“Perfect.” Looking up, she was surprised at how relieved he appeared. “Maybe the best that I’ve ever had.”

“Okay,” he breathed out slowly. “That’s something we can work with.”

She took his hand. “Uuugh, I’m not handling this well and being awkward.”