Page 6 of ProtectHER

“John J. Jingleheimer,” he laughed.

“As in the children’s song?”

“The very same, less the Schmidt. When I told him he was the first nursery rhyme I’d ever picked up, he pulled out his wallet and showed me his I.D., and sure as shit, his name was John Jacob Jingleheimer.”

“No, Schmidt.” I said, laughing.

“You’re quite the wisecracker, young man.” He laughed as he pushed the button, and the trunk of the Lincoln town car opened.

Handing Gene my bag, I made my way to the passenger side of the car and slid into the back seat. I waited as he placed the suitcase in the compartment and closed the lid. Once he was behind the wheel, he glanced into the rearview mirror and asked, “Where to, Mr. Bond?”

I chuckled briefly. “We both know I’m not Mr. Bond, so why don’t you just call me Max.”

“Very well. Where to, Max?”

“Laughlin Lane and Norbeck Drive,” I replied.

“It would be easier if you gave me the actual street address,” Gene laughed.

“Oh, trust me, just head to Laughlin Lane. I’m sure you’ll know my house when we get there.”

I watched in the mirror as the aging driver rolled his eyes. “If you say so.” Then he placed the car in drive and sped away from the airport.

Normally, I’d keep to myself during the ride, but there was something about Gene that I liked. During the fifteen-minute ride to my home I learned that he had a wife, two grown sons, and seven grandchildren. I called Sawyer again, but he did not pick up. I was starting to get angry, because worry went out the door two voice messages ago. I hated being in the dark, which isn’t how he and I operated.

Gene whistled from the front seat. “You weren’t kidding when you said I’d know. Since there is only one house out here, surrounded by a block and metal iron fence, this must be the place. Are you sure you’re not James Bond?” he laughed.

“Pretty sure my last name isn’t Bond. Last time I checked.” Funny thing, technically I am James Bond, just not in name.

The car stopped at the ornate metal entrance, and I punched a code into my phone, and the gates swung open. Once we had cleared the fence, the access closed behind us. The car moved slowly up the drive, stopping in front of the large red brick structure with a bright red door surrounded by white paned windows.

Gene and I exited the vehicle at the same time. He opened the trunk, retrieved my suitcase, handed it to me, and extended his other hand. “You’re an interesting man, Max. It’s been my pleasure to drive you.”

“Thank you, Gene,” I replied while shaking his hand. “Maybe our paths will cross once again, and next time I won’t use the name Bond. Perhaps I’ll be Mr. McDonald,” I laughed.

“Right, but I hardly classify this as a farm. See you around.” Gene smiled at me, climbed in his car, and drove away.

Chapter Six

My Past And Present Collide

When I entered,the house was partially dark, I placed my keys on the credenza and walked toward the kitchen with my suitcase in tow. A few steps from my destination, I heard someone set a glass on the counter, stopping me in my tracks.

“No need to grab your gun; it’s just me.”

The sound of Sawyer’s voice pissed me off. I’d been trying to reach him for over a day now, and he couldn’t reply with a simpleI’m at your house.As I walked into the kitchen, he grabbed two beers from the refrigerator, handing me one.

“You couldn’t answer your phone or send a simple text to me where you were, motherfucker?” I said as I took the bottle from his hand. “Why the fuck are you sitting in the dark, in my kitchen with the alarm set on my home?”

Sawyer dropped his head, refusing to make eye contact with me. “Because I fucked up big time, and I need you to have my back and help me clean it up before anyone else gets hurt.” He raised his head, now looking me straight in the eyes, and I could see the despair radiating in them.

I set my bottle on the counter and pulled the barstool across from him. “Of course, you know I’ve always got your back. Just tell me what the hell happened.”

“Several months ago, I introduced Evie to Lucas Miller. He’s a collection analyst at the Agency.”

“You son of a bitch. What the fuck were you thinking?”

“I know, I know. Evie was my plus one at a dinner function. She met Lucas, and they hit it off instantly. We’d suspected for some time that he might be trading secrets, and I thought if he and Evie started seeing each other, he might slip up and share information with her without Evie knowing what it was.”