Finally finding my voice, I agreed. “Help yourself. We brought plenty.”

“Save it for the band, ladies. You’re good to go.” He held the door open and ushered us past. “Head down the hall. The guys are warming up in the last room on the left.”

My knees knocked together as I started down the dark hall. We were underneath the stadium seats now, and the echo of thousands of people walking above us reverberated through the concrete.

“Ready for this?” Abby caught up to me easily thanks to the ridiculous shoes she’d made me wear. The red strappy sandals laced halfway up my calves. I’d be more comfortable in them at a boudoir shot than at a concert.

“Is it too late to change my mind?” I clutched the box in both of my hands with a death grip.

Then I saw him. Shane came through a doorway, his eyes on his phone. He must have sensed us heading his way because he looked up. His lips curved into a warm smile, and his eyes lit up as he met my gaze.

My insides heated like I’d just downed a giant shot of whiskey. The burn slowly traveled down my chest, spreading warmth through all my limbs.

“You made it.” He stated the obvious, and we stared at each other, a spark of something sensual passing between us.

“We brought you our buns.” My tongue seemed too big for my mouth, and I tried to talk around it while I mentally face palmed myself for sounding like a blubbering idiot. “I mean, your buns.”

“I think what she means is that we brought you and the band some fresh-baked honey buns.” Abby gave him a dazzling smile and passed him the box she held in her hands. “I’m Abby. It’s nice to meet you.”

He took the box and dragged his gaze away from mine. “Nice to meet you, Abby. I’m Shane. Come on in and meet the rest of the guys.”

Abby put her arm around my shoulder and nudged me forward. We followed Shane into a room where the other members of the band sat around on overstuffed couches and chairs.

Shane set the box down on a table next to a huge spread of food. Then he nodded toward the guy sitting closest to him. “These are the guys. Mickey’s on bass, Jethro’s on drums, Spike’s on whatever the hell he feels like playing, and Dunn’s on guitar.”

The guys smiled and lifted a hand or did that guy chin nudge thing as Shane said their names.

“This is Abby,”—Shane stepped close and took the box I’d carried out of my hands—”and this is Britt.”

His fingers brushed mine, sending my pulse skyrocketing. What did the man bathe in? A hint of cologne, something dark and musky that simmered with sexiness, drifted off him. I wanted to wrap myself up in it and lock myself in.

He set the box on top of the other one and turned back to me. “Can I get you ladies something to drink? We’ve got a fully stocked bar, or I can send someone out to get whatever you’d like if we don’t have it here.”

Abby didn’t have any reservations about making herself right at home. She stepped up to the drummer and pointed to his beer. “Do you have any more of those?”

He patted the cushion next to him. “Have a seat, and I’ll rustle one up for you.”

She grinned at me and cocked a brow. “Thanks.”

“You want something?” Shane asked. “I usually just drink water before a gig, but I’ll get you whatever you want.”

“Water sounds great.”

“One water coming right up.”

I balanced on the edge of the chair and watched him cross the room. One way or another, tonight was going to be one Valentine’s Day I wouldn’t forget.



Iwasn’t sure she was going to make it. I’d never invited a stranger to one of our shows before. But Britt wasn’t just a stranger. Something in me recognized something in her. Something I’d been looking for my entire adult life. I couldn’t explain it, but I knew I needed to see her again.

The other guys weren’t shy about having a good time on the road. I’d lost count of how many women Spike had brought backstage. Seemed like he found a new gal in every town we played. But I’d never been a guy who could love ‘em and leave ‘em. Not after my ex skipped town, and I became solely responsible for my kid. I guess that’s what made me so good at writing the songs that had led us to the top of the charts… the loneliness.

While I grabbed a flavored sparkling water from the fridge, Dunn took the seat next to Britt. My gut clenched, and an unexpected sense of possessiveness boiled up inside. I wasn’t the jealous type, especially when I didn’t have a reason to be. But there was no denying the urge I felt to put an arm around her shoulders and let the other guys know she was with me tonight.

“Here’s your water.” I handed her the bottle and gave Dunn a look that he shouldn’t have any trouble interpreting.