Mark laughed and leaned back in his chair, kicking his feet up on the glass coffee table in front of him. He was the epitome of a bad boy; messy brownish-blond hair, a full sleeve of tattoos on one arm, a piercing in one ear, and he grew weed in his room. He wore tattered denim jeans and a thin wife-beater tank, and kept reaching over and petting the top of Sophie’s head, like she was his beloved pet.

It was the best feeling; to know you were accepted for who you were. I liked them both instantly.

“Cat is excited to meet you, too,” Sophie said. “She’s a switch. You’ll like her.”

“Just wait until she meets Ben,” Mark grinned.

“Oh dear...” Sophie took another long drag on her blunt. “That will be a complete disaster.”

“You think?” he asked. “He’s not as scary as he looks.”

“She’s a brat. He’s practically a Gorean Master.”

“Nonsense,” I shook off her worries. “Everyone loves me. You’ll see.”

That night, the howling of wolves outside lulled me to sleep.

Alex put me to workalmost immediately. She needed me to coordinate the service events, programs, registration, email lists, and fundraisers for the upcoming semester, and she said she’d let me live here rent free if I did the work. I had more than the required experience, so she got me a laptop, keys to the office and the lobby reception desk, and set me loose. It wasn’t nearly enough work to keep me busy, but at least it was something to satisfy my ADHD and keep my mind off the things I didn’t want to think about.

That Saturday, I met the famed “Ben” who Mark was so excited to have back in town. Alex was trying to get me to play monopoly, which I didn’t know how to play. But I’d jump out the window before I admitted that. He turned to look at me, glaring at me with an expression I didn’t understand and didn’t have time to process before he stormed out of the room.

But I could process that he was a scary fucking sadist.

He was definitely the biggest guy I’d ever seen: well over six feet, huge shoulders, and a little chunky around the middle. But honestly, I was totally all over that. He wore a beautiful suit that was clearly tailored to him, and it looked delicious, though a little rumpled. His dark hair was just long enough to be combed over to the side, but it was messy, like he’d run his hand through it too many times, and it was starting to grey. He had a few days’ worth of stubble on his cheeks and the shadow of a mustache, like he’d forgotten to shave over the past few days. His head was squarish, his nose crooked and a little too big, and he had a pursed look on his face like he’d just tasted something awful.

My word vomit ended when I saw him. Dark, deep set eyes locked onto mine, and anger burned behind his eyes. His nostrils flared like I’d personally offended him.Alarm bells went off in my head.

Before I got another word in, he’d jumped from his chair and strode purposefully out of the room, as if he were too frustrated to deal with my bullshit.

I was quite used to that look. I considered it an accomplishment. But so damn quickly and with just a little bit of sarcasm? Come on.

“What did I say?” I asked as he disappeared down the hall, trying not to be offended.

“The magic words, apparently,” Alex muttered in a low voice. Beside her, Cat was trying not to laugh.

“Well... boo on him, I guess.”

“He’ll warm up to you.”

“If you say so.”

That evening after everyone went to bed, I texted Sophie while I browsed Reddit and Discord.

Alice: So who was that guy? The tall scary one?

Sophie: That’s Reuben Weston!

I sat straight up in bed. No freaking way. That was Reuben Weston? I’d heard his name plenty of times in my circles in DC but I’d never actually met him.

Alice: Reuben Weston goes to church?

Sophie: He’s a founding member. Helped take over the business stuff when Alex was stuck in Russia. He grew up here.

Alice: Holy balls, batman.

Sophie: lol.

Alice: He’s hot. Like, scary, but hot.