Page 10 of Worship

Shoving his hair out of his face, he pushes a glass filled with something dark at me. “Drink it. All of it.”

“What is it?” My hand trembles so severely, some of the liquid sloshes over the rim. He glares at me, and it’s enough to send a shot of fear through my stomach. Bringing the glass to my nose, I cough when strong fumes burn my nostrils, the smell of it awful.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll drink it.” There’s a warning in his words, and I’m afraid to say no. That he’ll hurt me if I don’t do as he says.

Lifting the glass to my lips, I take a sip. Rolling his eyes with impatience, he puts his hand on the bottom of the glass and forcibly tilts it back until I have no choice but to drink all of it or let it spill down my front. The taste makes me gag and lights a fire down to my stomach. While I fight the urge to vomit, he takes the glass from me and pushes me back to sit on the bed.

“Where’s Nicole?” I hiccup. “Will we be able to go after she’s finished talking?”

He sighs. “I told you, you’re not going anywhere tonight, and neither is Nicole.”


“Enough with the fucking questions.” He plonks down in a chair opposite the bed, searing me with a burning scowl from across the room. My bottom lip wobbles as we sit in silence until I hear something that turns my blood to ice.

Nicole screams.

Jumping up from the bed, my hands fly to my mouth with terror when a slap rings sharp, followed by a crash that sounds like chairs toppling over. “Sit down,” the guy orders, but I don’t listen. I can’t.

Shuffling back, I don’t stop until my back hits the wall furthest from the door, as if being away from it will make me feel better. When there’s another scream, my knees give, and I sag to the floor. Tears flow out of my eyes, my chest heaving up and down.

What’s happening?

If I thought this night couldn’t get any worse, the door opens, and Blake walks inside slowly, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a cigar. Lifting it, he sucks on the thick end, blowing out heavy, gray smoke as he closes the door behind him.

“Why is she on the floor?” he asks, his eyes on me. The guy shrugs, and Blake steps forward. “Stand up.”

Using the wall as support, I get up, afraid of what will happen if I don’t. Both men stare in a way that makes my stomach twist, but it’s Blake’s stare I feel the most fear from, especially as he rakes down my body like he’s trying to find something about me that he might like. When his lips curl upward, bile threatens to spew past my lips, reminding me of those times boys at school would leer and shout out at me, calling me all kinds of nasty things.

When he takes another step forward, my back presses into the wall—something that seems only to amuse him. “Do you think she’s worth the money that cunt sister of hers owes?”

The guy, who is now leaning forward, breathes out audibly. “I don’t know, Pops.” Are they father and son? “She’s young. It might be more hassle than it’s worth.”

“Hmm,” Blake murmurs thoughtfully, facing me again. “She’s a pretty thing, alright. The rest of these bitches in here are getting loose and dirty. I’m up for a challenge. A little kitty to train.”

“You’ll have a hard time keeping the rest of them off her,” he warns. “Look at her. A couple more years and she’ll be the best-looking bitch in this place.”

Blake’s lips slither into a smile, and something about it is cruel. They’re speaking about me as if I’m not in the room. Almost as if he’s doing it on purpose, Blake takes another few terrifying steps forward and laughs when I whimper. Like this is a game, and I’m entertainment. It’s not long before he’s in front of me. So close. He’s on my skin even though he isn’t touching me. Staring down at me, smoke and spicy aftershave bind around my neck. It’s in the back of my throat, bitter and tangy.

My muscles stiffen when he pulls his hand out of his pocket and lifts it to my face, raking a calloused thumb over my cheek. “I’m going to have fun with you, baby.” Grabbing my hand, he tugs me forward. “Come. I want to see you.”

“Please,” I whisper as he takes me back over to the bed. Sitting, Blake positions me so that I’m standing between his long legs.

“Can I leave?” the guy asks.

“No. Stay,” he says, not taking his eyes off me. Off my face. My hair. My body. “You think I don’t notice, Nick?”

“Notice what?”

“That you don’tfuck.” He turns to face him. “I admit—we need a good clear out. Get some new bitches in. But even on our rides, you don’t fuck the whores. The guys have noticed.Ihave noticed.” Nick shrugs, but it’s clear Blake is making him uncomfortable. “If you want to be a leader one day, you have to be a man. Those pricks out there will eat you alive when I’m gone. They won’t follow a pussy who won’t even fuck a pussy. You got that?”

He nods, though it’s evident he’s angry given the way his nostrils flare. “Yeah, Pops.”

“See this as your first lesson. Sit and watch how areal mandoes it.”Letting go of my hand, Blake leans back on the bed. I want to move, run, but I’m rooted to the spot. “Take off your dress, babe.”

My eyes bulge, hands instinctively flying up to grab the straps of my dress. I can’t take off my dress. Nicole told me not to wear a bra. She said the lining of it would show through, and it would be stupid. All I have on is that thong she made me wear.

Made you wear.