That was one of the things he’d always liked about Clara, he reflected as he sat across from her. Despite her reputation for being his hard-nosed executive assistant, she could also be one of the most relaxed, easygoing people he’d ever met.

Which made his treatment of her the last few days even more unacceptable.

“What would you think about having dinner tonight?”

She looked up. “Dinner?”


A frown creased her brow. “Breakfast and dinner in one day. Why do I feel like you’re about to tell me something bad?”

He chuckled. “Nothing so sinister. You were right. I’ve overreacted. While there will be more regulations on travel, I can’t keep you locked in the house.”

One dark blond brow arched up as her lips twisted into a sardonic smile that made his blood stir.

“Glad to know we’re on the same page.”

“It won’t be the same as it was when you were my secretary.”

“Executive assistant.”

He bit back a grin.

“Yes, assistant. But, Clara, I do need to know when you’re going to be gone. It’s not some obsessive need to control you. The world is more dangerous for members of a royal family. Even though the majority of our country and Switzerland support the treaty, there are those who are vehemently opposed. I have to keep you and our child safe.”

She looked down at her toast for a moment before finally nodding. “I understand. I don’t like it, but I understand.”

“I know it’s not what you probably envisioned when you married me.”

“I never envisioned marrying you at all.” A slight grin softened the sting of her words, although it disappeared quickly as her expression darkened. “It’s just... I haven’t told you much about my marriage to Miles.”

Just hearing the man’s name sent an unexpected bolt of jealousy through him.

“No, you haven’t.”

“I hinted that it was not a pleasant marriage.” She pulled the tea bag out of her cup and watched it twirl back and forth, drops of amber liquid falling onto her plate. “He became very controlling. He didn’t like me leaving his apartment in London without him or his mother accompanying me to wherever I was going. His mother picked out what I wore, took me to her hair stylist.” She set the tea bag down and stared at the steam rising off the surface. “I wasn’t my own person anymore.”

Anger churned in his gut, along with the familiar uncomfortableness of guilt. Anger that Miles and his abominable-sounding mother had treated Clara so horribly, and guilt that, while not as extreme, he had been pushing Clara in a similar manner with his restrictions and lack of attention. He’d taken away her job, something she’d been very good at, because he had been uncertain of how he would feel working so closely with her now that their roles had changed. Not because it was the best thing for Clara or for Linnaea, but because of his own discomfort.

She looked up with a small smile. “When you told me I had to ask you about where I was going, I panicked. I was afraid I was falling back into a similar place I had been with Miles. But I understand the difference, the issue of security.”

If he’d thought he couldn’t feel any more guilty, her understanding only added to the weight pressing on his shoulders.

“I appreciate that, Clara. But I should have talked with you before issuing commands. We worked well together before this change in our relationship, and I should have trusted you by talking to you.”

She paused for a moment before nodding once.

“Thank you, Alaric.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for. I didn’t handle this well. Which is why I have two proposals.”

A teasing light made her blue eyes sparkle. “The last proposal you made was certainly interesting.”

“Nothing so drastic this time. The first is that I’d like for you to work with me today. I could use your insight on some of the communications going to the ambassador’s staff and a meeting we’re setting up next month with the president of the Swiss Confederation.”

Her shoulders sagged in relief. “That sounds nice. I never thought I’d miss work so much.” She tapped a finger on her book. “I’ve enjoyed reading, but this is much more time than I’m used to.”

“Which brings me to my second point. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? There’s a restaurant just outside of Rolle.”