“You’re a fool, Cassius. A damned fool.”


BRIONYWALKEDAROUNDthe interior of the Ledge as she soaked up the memories of the past eighteen months. It hadn’t been her dream job, but for a long time it had been an escape. It had become one of the few constants in her life, and for that, she would always be grateful. She had spent so much time lamenting the lack of affection from her stepfather and stepsisters that she hadn’t fully appreciated the people who had made that time bearable.

Time didn’t erase the vivid memory of the last time she’d seen Cass as he’d tried to push her. Despite his cruel words, she’d seen his own emotions in his eyes. He loved her, of that she was certain.

But she was done waiting for people to treat her the way she deserved to be treated. If Cass preferred to deny how he felt and chose living in his emotionless world, and if she truly loved him, then she had to respect his choice. To force him to do anything would make her a monster in her own way. And it would wipe away the strength she’d discovered in herself this past week. To live her life pining for someone else and placing her entire happiness in his hands would be falling right back into a pattern she’d only just begun to break free of.

Knowing she had made significant changes would one day bolster her spirits. But for now, it served as the most minimal of cold comforts.

Gus came out of the back, wiping his burly hands on a towel.

“Still can’t believe we had an actual princess slinging drinks,” he said with a gap-toothed grin that flashed white against his dark brown skin.

“I don’t think I was technically a princess at the time,” she replied with a small laugh.

“Kim says you better come say goodbye before you go back so she can curtsy to you. And so she can tell Lisa that she met a real princess when she was a baby.”

“I’m in town through tomorrow, so I can definitely do that.”

Gus’s face sobered. “How’s the stepfamily?”

A sense of peace filled Briony’s chest. “Surprisingly decent. Trey’s out of rehab and back home. He has a job interview next week with his old company.”

Gus’s eyebrows shot up. “Well, least it’s something.”

“It is. And he even apologized.”

After she’d made the decision to fly back to Kansas, pack up her remaining things and say goodbye to her coworkers, she’d texted Trey and the twins to let them know. Trey had surprised her by calling her. He’d thanked her for getting him help and then surprised her even more with a heartfelt apology, not just for the months since Mom had died, but for how he’d failed her as a stepfather.

“I thought treating you nice was enough,” he’d said, sorrow heavy in his voice. “After your mother died, I got angry. Angry that your mom wasn’t there to see us, angry that you were so much like her. It’s no excuse,” he’d added quickly. “I just need you to know it wasn’t you.”

Even though she’d already known that, hearing it from Trey had been a balm to the wounds she’d sustained. They would never be close. But it was better than anything they’d ever had.

Gus grunted. “Bet he’s playing nice so he can try to finagle some money out of you.”

“I wondered so, too. But money hasn’t come up since we started talking again. Maybe I’m being naive, but I’d like to think he’s becoming a better man.”

It had been nice, too, hearing that Mom had actually told Trey about her history with Daxon. She’d even left a packet of letters for Briony to read, letters she hadn’t quite been able to read yet. But soon.

“And the twins?”

Briony’s smile grew. Ella had surprised her by throwing her arms around Briony when she’d stopped by to pick up the letters, sobbing and asking for forgiveness for her horrible behavior. Stacy had been a little more reserved, but had echoed her sister’s apology and even given Briony a gift—a necklace of her mother’s she’d found in the attic.

“Apparently Trey’s sister Debra was just what they needed. I made too many excuses for them and let them get away with too much for far too long. Between the chores, grocery shopping and getting grounded for not doing their homework, they had a rough few weeks.”

Not that Debra had done it out of any great love. As she’d told Briony as she’d thrown the last of her suitcases in the trunk, “I got sick of the whining.”

Gus rolled his eyes. “How many times did I tell you that you were too easy on all of them?”

Briony held up her hands in surrender. “And you were right.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to the owner’s cheek. “You’re a great dad, Gus.”

Gus flushed with pleasure. “Thanks.” He glanced at the clock. “Four o’clock. Sure I can’t convince you to work one last shift?”

“No, thanks. But I’ll stay for a bit.”

As Gus opened the doors and a few customers poured in, Briony hung off to the side. Some of the regulars came up to her to congratulate her on her engagement. She managed to paste a smile on her face and thank them. A couple asked for selfies, which she grudgingly obliged.