“I don’t think we’ve spent enough time together for me to call you that just yet,” Briony replied as kindly as she could manage.

Rage flashed in Daxon’s eyes, an unexpected fire that transformed him from cool, distant monarch to almost unhinged. Her previous hurt over how they’d met and his cool distance in the prior weeks seemed like a faint memory. Why had she ever wanted a relationship with him?

“Don’t cause a scene,” he hissed.

“I’m not,” she shot back. “You’re the one who’s about to embarrass yourself.”

“At least I’m not marrying the nephew of a traitor,” he spat back in a fierce whisper.

Her lips parted in shock. “From what Cass said, you spent money that wasn’t yours. I would say that makes you the traitor.”

“I was going to pay it back. I just needed more time.” His lips tightened. “Alecine got everything she deserved and more, and so did that bastard of a brother of hers and his little brat. Cass’s father fed her information, I’m sure of it. Had they stayed, I would have had them all thrown in prison for treason.”

The depths of Daxon’s viciousness, not to mention his complete lack of remorse, rendered her mute.

“Come now, my dear.” Daxon’s tight grip was no doubt leaving fingerprints on her waist. “She had to pay.”

“Somehow I don’t trust your version of events.” She managed to push back and put some distance between them. “And even if she had, that was no reason to punish an eleven-year-old boy.”

“If I had only gone after her, that wouldn’t have sent a message. I needed to make it clear that no one would get away with crossing me.”

Pride swelled in Bri’s chest as her eyes found Cass. He stood on the edge of the room, arms crossed, eyes narrowed as he watched them talk.

“No one had the guts to stand up to you until Cass.”

The rage returned, more intense than before. “He didn’t stand up to me. He backed me into a corner. I had no choice but to agree.”

“Agreed to use your own daughter as a bargaining chip to solve the problems you created.”

“You’re just like your mother,” he sneered. “Idealistic. A dreamer.”

“That’s the best compliment anyone has ever given me.”

She turned, about to walk away, then paused.

“I know now why Mom never told me about you. And I have to say, I’m glad.”

With that parting comment, she walked away and circled the room, bidding good-night to the ambassador, his family and the other guests. Clara had fetched Alaric earlier. Judging by the glower on his face, it had not been for anything good. But before he’d quit the room, he’d come to her side and squeezed her hand.

“You are an integral part of this family now. Do not let our sire convince you otherwise.”

Tears pricked her eyes. How could she have been so blind all these years, always fantasizing about the father she never had, pinning her hopes on Trey or reminiscing about the few good times she’d had with her stepsisters? All people who only gave out love if they got something they wanted. Transactional relationships she had gone along with, always focusing on what she didn’t have instead of what she did, like the love of her mother who had gone to incredible lengths to keep her child safe.

Her gaze swung to Cass. He was talking with the minister of the treasury by the door, nodding at something the minister said but watching her with an intensity that made her catch her breath. Their relationship may have started out as a political alliance, but it had changed, deepened even before they’d made love. Tonight, when he’d defended her with pride in his voice, she’d known in that moment she was well and truly lost.

She was in love. She was in love with her future husband, and she didn’t know what to do about it.


CASSBADEGOODNIGHTto the minister and the ambassador before he followed Briony out into the hall. As she’d been saying her goodbyes, he’d seen her eyes swing to him, a shell-shocked expression in her gaze. Before he could discern what was going on, she’d left.


Briony paused but didn’t turn to face him. His eyes dipped down to her back, her skin visible beneath the turquoise lace. His exhale came out harsh. Now was not the time to be entertaining risqué thoughts.

“Are you all right?” he asked as he circled around and looked down at her.

She slowly raised her gaze up to his. Something flickered deep in her eyes.