“But...but I insulted—”

“On the subject of how money is spent in this country, you and I are in total agreement,” Briony said with a reassuring smile. “And on that note, my suite is unfortunately bare. Do you have any other paintings of the Linnaean countryside I could purchase?”

Hugo’s mouth dropped open again. “You want...my painting...in thepalace?”

“Yes, please.”

“Of—of course! I can’t believe...” His voice trailed off, and he ran a hand through this pale hair. “How shall I...?”

“Why don’t you stop by the palace tomorrow afternoon? I’d love to see more pictures of your work and learn more about what the education needs are in Linnaea. The council I’m assembling has a lot of experience to offer, but I’d enjoy hearing firsthand from parents.”

She felt Cass tense beside her, but she ignored him.

“Yes, Your Highness,” Hugo gushed.

“Now that that’s settled, Hugo, how about you go grab yourself a glass of champagne before you keel over,” Cass suggested.

“I will, sir. I mean, Your Highness. Your Highnesses,” Hugo stuttered before he gave them both another bow and departed the room, excitement vibrating off his skeleton-thin frame.

“You’ve already managed to snag one fan, it appears.”

Briony shot Cass a teasing glance. “Do I detect jealousy, sir?”

“From a starving artist who could barely talk to you once he realized who you were? Not likely.”

“Unfortunately ‘starving’ sounds all too accurate,” Briony murmured as she resumed studying the painting.

She started when Cass laid a hand on her waist. But then slowly she relaxed, allowing herself to enjoy the small contact and draw strength from his touch.

“He told you about his daughter’s school.”

She nodded. “He did. I knew they’d closed from the members of the council. But hearing it from a parent who was affected...” Her voice trailed off as she looked up at the carvings crisscrossing the ceiling, the elegant chandelier in the next room. “What on earth was Daxon thinking?”

“I don’t think he was.”

Before she could question him further, a small group of people entered the gallery. They curtsied and congratulated Briony and Cass on their engagement. More people filled the room as they realized the long-lost princess of Linnaea was inside. Questions started to fly, everything from whether Briony had really been a bartender to queries on the wedding.

“Thank you for coming tonight,” Cass finally said diplomatically, raising his voice just enough to command the attention of the room. Briony watched as he took control of the crowd. The sensation in her chest when he stepped into the role of confident leader had nothing to do with physical desire and everything to do with admiration.

“After a long day, you’ll understand if I escort the princess back to the palace,” Cass finished with a winning smile.

He snaked an arm around Briony’s waist and navigated through the crowds. They paused near a beautiful silver sculpture of a tree. Briony inhaled deeply before taking the last sip of her drink.

“That doesn’t look like champagne.”

Briony shot Cass a smug grin. “Brandy old-fashioned.”

“Where did you get that?”

“It helps to get acquainted with the bartender.”

Cass huffed. “Next time, perhaps you would be so courteous as to get me one, too, so I’m not drinking this sparkling stuff.”

She rolled her eyes and held out her glass. She’d expected him to take it. But instead, he cupped her hand in his and brought the glass to his lips, keeping his eyes trained on her as he drank. Her heart hammered in her chest. The intimacy of the act left her breathless.

“That tastes very good,” Cass murmured as he released his grip.

“Um...yes...yes, it does.”