“Not helping, Alejandro,” Adrian ground out.

“None of you are helping!” Isabella clapped her hands. “Adrian and Alejandro, go to your wives. William, darling, Paul will set you up with your room. Once my youngest has gotten Anna to forgive him, I’m sure he’ll want to catch up with you.”

Twenty seconds later the room was cleared, the door closed. Antonio sank into the chair Alejandro had recently vacated, pressure building behind his forehead.

What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?

“Tony.” He looked up to see his mother’s compassionate face in front of him. “She loves you.”

“Love isn’t always enough.”

“No. But it can be a start.” She kissed his forehead before leaving him alone to his thoughts.

He needed to tell Anna how he truly felt, that much was obvious. But just telling her wouldn’t be enough. No, he needed to prove that he was moving beyond the past. Setting his sights on the future and moving on.

A thought popped into his head. He’d failed miserably with the diamond bracelet. She’d already bought the silk. But there was another gift he could give her, something she truly wanted that would also show her he could move on.

He tossed back the rest of the whiskey, set the glass down and stood. Anna had been so brave, telling him how she’d felt all those years ago and then again at the wedding. She had no idea how incredible she was, how resilient and courageous.

Now it was his time to be strong for her. And, God willing, she still loved him.


ANNAGLANCEDDOWNat her phone again and frowned. Kess had said she would pick her up at four p.m. A chill had settled across Rome, the cold sinking into the stones and chasing tourists off the street as the sun started to set.

Fortunately, when Sylvie Smythe’s fashion show at the Trevi Fountain took place in three days, the temperature would be more agreeable, a little warm for early November. But then again, Anna thought with a smile, Sylvie had probably ordered it that way.

It had all moved so fast. The magazine feature, written by a new writer. Sylvie had suggested the publisher drop Leo White. Last Anna heard, he was writing for some conspiracy theory tabloid in the US. Her designs had come together in record time. In three days, they would be featured on a see-through runway that would run across the bubbling water of the world’s most famous fountain.

The first time Anna had laid eyes on the fountain two days ago, she’d barely bit back a sob. It had been over two months since she’d last seen Antonio. There had been no calls, no text messages, no emails. He’d said it was over, and he’d truly meant it.

She still didn’t regret it. None of it. But, dear God, it hurt so much more than she could have ever prepared herself for.

Thank goodness for Sylvie and Kess. At Anna’s suggestion, Sylvie had snatched up her friend as producer for the show. Not only had Kess put together a dynamite show, but she had managed to sneak a couple of hours away for an early dinner.

Anna glanced down. Kess had said they were going somewhere nice, and had suggested Anna wear one of her red-silk creations. She hadn’t worn any of them. It had been too painful. But Kess had practically begged, pointing out that she would most likely be photographed while they were out and about, and pictures of her work would only help bolster the show.

So she’d pulled out this dress, a vintage-inspired creation with a full skirt, a square neckline and sleeves down to her elbows. Classy and sophisticated, topped off with a white pea coat and matching gloves.

A tiny beep-beep sounded. A scooter. She looked up, a smile starting to form. Before she left Rome, she would most definitely be renting one to see the sights.

A bright blue scooter rounded the corner. It took a moment for her eyes to drift up, to see the person at the helm.

When she did, her heart stopped.


He stopped the scooter in front of her, the tire skidding a little on the street. He winced then turned to her with a grin that restarted her heart and kicked it into overdrive.

“A little harder to drive these things than I thought.” His eyes latched onto hers, burning with intensity. “I missed you, Anna.”

Had he truly said those words out loud? She’d longed to hear them, had dreamed of him whispering that and other sweet phrases at night, only to wake up over and over to the realization that he was no longer a part of her life.

Except now he was here. In Rome. Again.

She swallowed hard, a million questions running through her mind.Why?was a popular one, followed byHow did you find me?What popped out was, “I can’t believe you fit on one of those things.” If he didn’t look so damned handsome, it would almost be comical.

He smiled a little then inhaled deeply and extended a hand. “I know I’ve done absolutely nothing to earn your trust. But I’d like to take you on a ride and explain.”