“Did I hurt you?” she asked, her hand coming up to rest on his jaw.

“Not in the way you’re thinking. I’m trying to hold back so I don’t hurt you.”

She wiggled again, savoring the flare in his eyes. Plus, the ache had started to fade, the pleasure returning in a slow but steady current that spread throughout her body. She reached down and let her hands rest on his hips.

“I want to feel more.”

His eyes darkened to almost black. One more kiss. One deep, soul-searing, mind-numbing kiss.

Then he began to move, sliding in and out of her with growing intensity. Each thrust went deeper. Their bodies moved into a natural rhythm, her hips arching up as he pulsed inside her. She savored his muscles flexing beneath her hands, the heat of his body, the feel of him inside her. The sensation collided with the carnal knowledge of what they were doing, the intimacy of their bodies being joined, that she was giving him as much pleasure as he was her.

The pressure began to build. She spread her legs wider to feel him even deeper inside her.


Hearing her name whispered lit a fuse inside her core. Her arms flew around him, her fingers digging into his back.

“Antonio...please... I’m...”

His thrusts quickened, deepened. She was on the verge of something incredible, so close, almost...


His name burst from her lips as her body came apart in a blinding rush. He captured her breath with a kiss. She moaned against him, her body shuddering, quaking, the pleasure so intense, she almost couldn’t take it.

He drove into her one last time. A groan escaped him as he found his release. Slowly, he lowered his body back onto hers, propping himself up on his elbows as he kissed her lightly, his lips tracing over hers in a soft, sweet kiss.

“That...that was...”

He lifted his head and smiled down at her. Another true smile, one that nearly broke her heart after the intimacy they had just shared. What would it be like to share this kind of affection with him day after day?


She focused on the little tendrils of satisfaction still drifting through her body, the hazy warmth permeating her consciousness.

“That was amazing,” she finally said.

“I’m glad I could impress.”

“I’m also glad we agreed to a week of this.” She couldn’t imagine only sampling this once.

His smile flickered, disappearing for a split second before reappearing as he smoothed sweat-dampened wisps of hair off her face.

“Have I created a monster?”

No, he hadn’t created a monster. But she might have unleashed one. She had severely underestimated her ability to stay detached, to enjoy sex without letting her emotions get in the way.

“No. I guess I just like sex.”

With a laugh and another peck to her cheek, he got up and disappeared into the bathroom. She lay on the bed, the cool air swooping in to press down on her heated skin and whisk away the fantasy she’d briefly indulged in. How had she ever thought she was truly over him? If things had continued the way they had before their kiss yesterday, she could have convinced herself that he was too different from the boy she’d fallen for, that he had no interest in her and they were better off severing this briefly rekindled relationship after Alejandro and Calandra’s wedding.

But knowing that he had wanted her, that he had rejected her out of some misguided act of chivalry, sharing her body with him...

How was she supposed to just let that go?

Because he told you how things stand. This time around, at least, he’d been nothing but honest with her.

Mostly honest, she amended as she stood and grimaced at the ache between her legs. The scar...whatever had changed him from the boy he’d been at the beginning of summer to the man who’d broken her heart at the end was still a mystery.