‘Not all parents love each other,’ Jack pointed out. ‘Especially a few years down the track when careers and kids and other stresses kill the joy of the honeymoon phase. But because we’re not starting at the same place, we can be realistic about how our relationship will work. We both admire each other and desire each other. That’s a solid and stable platform to build a workable marriage on.’

‘It all sounds good on paper, but we’d have to draw up a prenuptial agreement. I don’t want anyone saying I only married you for your money.’

‘Fine. We’ll get a prenup drawn up. We’ll go to the best in London if that will ease your mind,’ Jack said. ‘Drake Cawthorn is a specialist in them.’

She gave him a searching look. ‘You know him personally?’

‘Only in passing. Why, do you?’

‘He’s a friend of Aerin’s older brother,’ Harper said. ‘We’ve sent a few clients his way. I haven’t met him in person but I’ve heard he’s pretty ruthless in making sure his clients get protected if things turn sour.’

Jack knew he should be relieved Harper wanted a prenup drawn up but somehow it suggested she didn’t give their marriage much hope for the long-term.You are hardly a long-term guy, his conscience reminded him but he pushed the thought aside. He had a baby girl, of course he was committed to her in the long-term, and by default committed to her mother.

Not in love, but one hundred per cent committed.

‘I’ll give him a call and set up an appointment for when we get back to London,’ Jack said.


Jack suddenly realised how much he wished they weren’t going straight back to London. He needed more time with her without the distractions of work. He hated the thought of going back to the hard grind of running his company and not seeing either Harper or Marli for hours on end. He was successful enough to step back a little, not too far but a little. He was too driven and goal-oriented to hand the reins over to someone else. He liked to be in control but that didn’t mean he had to be at the helm eighteen hours a day.

Jack came over to her and took her hands once more. He looked into her grey-green eyes and smiled. ‘Hey, you. Did I tell you how proud I am of your work? I’ve watched you over the last couple of days, juggling Marli and your shoot. I can’t wait to see the final product. Will there be a book launch?’

‘Yes, but it will be a few months down the track.’

He tilted up her chin to keep her gaze meshed with his. ‘I have a proposal for you.’

Her eyebrows lifted in a wry manner. ‘Not another one?’

He grinned and planted a quick kiss on her mouth. ‘How about we stay on a couple of extra days in Paris? I can reshuffle my diary and I’m sure Aerin and Ruby will manage without you.’

‘It sounds nice...’ Her gaze was focused on his mouth, her voice soft and husky. ‘I’ve been so keyed up about the shoot that I haven’t had time to properly enjoy our time here.’

He brought her close against his hardening body. ‘You’ve enjoyedsomeof our time here, haven’t you?’

A light blush tinged her cheeks pink and her eyes shone with desire. ‘Now that you mention it...’ She stepped up on tiptoe and placed her lips against his, lighting a fire in his body that threatened to engulf him. He took control of the kiss, his tongue mating with hers in a dance that sent shivers coursing down his spine. He literally could not get enough of this woman. She turned him on like no other. And her desire for him was equally fervent, thrilling him to the core of his being.

If that wasn’t a recipe for a good, strong, workable relationship, he didn’t know what was. Love was for the romantics and fairy-tale believers. For the hopefuls and the naïve.

Not for him.


ACOUPLEOFdays later, Harper walked arm in arm with Jack along the Champs-Élysées. Marli was asleep in the pram, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, and, while the busy Paris traffic with its mix of sirens and horns was noisy, it didn’t spoil the atmosphere for Harper. Her body was still tingling from Jack’s superlative lovemaking over the last couple of nights. Jack had been an attentive and surprisingly tender lover but now he was even more so. It was as if something had changed in their relationship, a subtle shift that gave her hope that he was developing feelings for her, even though he had ruled out falling in love with her or anyone. But the love he showed towards Marli was unmistakably solid. He was involved with every aspect of her care apart from feeding. It fuelled Harper’s hope that he could open his heart to her too.

They were walking past an art gallery when Jack stopped to look at the artwork displayed in the window. It was a beautiful watercolour with the softest brushstrokes of exquisite pastel colours depicting a cruise boat heading towards one of the River Seine bridges. The brushstroke style was loose and free and yet still managed to capture so much of the essence and light and energy of Paris.

‘Shall we go in?’ Harper suggested.

‘I thought you wanted to go to the eighteenth-century tea salon further down?’

Harper’s stomach gave a loud rumble of hunger. Reading about the delicious patisserie with its world-renowned pastries had whetted her appetite, but something about Jack’s wistful expression as he stood in front of the gallery window made her curious. ‘I do but I’d like to look at the artwork first.’ She peered at the French name on a placard next to the painting. ‘Etienne Aubuchon. I think I read something about him a while ago. He’s very good, isn’t he?’

Jack made a grunting sound of agreement and began pushing the pram again. ‘We’d better get that cup of tea before Marli wakes for her next feed.’

Harper continued on by his side, wondering why he hadn’t wanted to browse through the gallery. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t afford any of the artworks inside. Perhaps he was one of those people who didn’t get the subtlety of modern art, although that painting style leaned more towards Impressionism than modern. They finally came to the quaint tea salon with its array of delectable goodies on show. They were soon seated at a table inside with their orders taken, and Harper had another chance to observe Jack as they waited for their tea and pastries to arrive. Well,herpastries, that was.

‘Don’t you have a sweet tooth, Jack?’